Your Tongue, Health And Emotions

The tongue has thousands of nerve endings which are in direct connection with the other organs of the body. One can learn a lot about his health by examining the color and structure of his tongue.
Your tongue, health and emotions

The tongue is one of the muscles in the body that can give us the most information.  In addition to its role in the digestive process, the tongue can reveal a lot about your state of health and your emotions. Learning to read his tongue can help detect possible health problems.

This happens because the tongue is covered by thousands of nerve endings that are connected to various organs throughout the body. When something in the body is not working as it should, the tongue can notify us of changes in its color or texture.

Today we are going to give you a guide to help you understand what your tongue is trying to tell you about your health. You can start right now by pointing your tongue at the mirror and examining your tongue.

Pink tongue

When the tongue is pink, it is a sign that we are healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is a sign of a good diet and well-functioning digestion and also tells that one is emotionally stable.

Red tongue


If the tongue is red, this may be a sign of a health problem in the throat or internal organs, especially if the tip is red.  On an emotional level, the red tongue usually tells you that you easily get irritated or stressed.

Blinding on the tongue


These often show up together with a virus or a fungal infection. They can also come as a result of a lack of vitamins A and C, just as it can be a sign that one is eating too many processed foods and too much fat and sugar. On the emotional level, the small blisters on the tongue can mean that a person easily gets angry or upset and is constantly worried and stressed. This type is also typical among those who suffer from repressed anger. If you suffer from blisters, you should pay attention to your oral hygiene and talk to a doctor if the blisters have occurred as a result of an infection.

Inflamed taste buds

This is a clear sign of a lack of nutrients. It is very important to follow the dietary recommendations we give in relation to the tongue; they are the key to overcoming this problem. Gently clean your tongue with your toothbrush every time you brush your teeth.  Inflamed taste buds can also be the result of stress or difficulty adapting to changes.

White tongue

A white tongue is a clear sign that the person has problems with the intestines and with digestion. It can be the result of eating too much saturated fat or refined sugar and flour. It can also be a sign of toxemia, which is the accumulation of toxins in the intestines and blood. This can also lead to other health problems.


If you find that your tongue is covered with a white layer, it is very important to change your eating habits and choose a cleansing diet that is free of saturated fat, processed foods, dairy products and all kinds of deep fried food. On an emotional level, a white tongue can mean being nervous or worried.  These emotional states can promote digestive problems and be the cause of various vital organs not functioning optimally. It seriously affects health.

Smooth tongue

This type not only reveals malnutrition, but can also be a sign of anemia. In this case, we recommend eating more foods high in vitamin C and iron. Emotionally, it can mean that one is prone to depression and easily becomes discouraged.

Inflamed tongue

An inflamed tongue can be a sign that one has low hemoglobin levels, resulting in anemia, also known as anemia.

“Short-like” tongue

This type of tongue resembles a card with the same kind of “drawings” across the surface, which can be red, pink or white. This may be hereditary, but if it is not constant and instead is a recurrent condition, it may be a sign of allergy or intolerance to certain foods. Emotionally, these people are often very sensitive and become easily irritated or annoyed.

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