You Are Only Responsible For What You Say

No matter how hard you try, if your partner does not share your views or does not want to understand them, then communication becomes impossible and it is time to accept this in a respectful way.
You are only responsible for what you say

You are only responsible for what you say. Communication is difficult. It is easy to be misunderstood, especially if the other has his own stubborn perception of things.

Many are not willing to listen, but will only respond. Preconceived notions are a discreet way of categorizing reality before one understands it. One of the most common communication errors is to speak before thinking.

If you have tried to explain something to someone over and over again, and he or she repeatedly misunderstands what you are saying or twisting your words, then it may be time to accept that he or she is not worth the effort.

What you say, what you communicate, and what others perceive

The first thing that needs to be in place if you are hoping to communicate effectively is respect.

Communication “strategies” that lack respect will never work. For example, it is not enough to raise your voice or try to speak before the other is finished. On the other hand, it is good to maintain eye contact and protect the good mood, even if the other person says something you do not agree with.

What kind of communication have you developed?

The form of communication you experience through childhood and early adolescence greatly affects the way you treat others as an adult.

  • A more authoritarian form can, for example, lead to the classic one-way communication. Here, the opinions of others are not respected. Instead, one is only interested in opening the mouth itself.
    A person who uses an authoritarian form of communication does not actively listen or understand the situations of others. They are limited by their need to set the agenda and to place orders. All of this can make a child believe that what they are feeling or believing in is not important.
  • Undoubtedly, the opposite of this is a form of communication that is democratic and effective. Here mutual respect and understanding of what both want to communicate is achieved.
    A person who learns this form of communication from an early age understands how to meet the needs of others by carefully considering each word, as well as letting his self-esteem grow and creating a better personal security.

It is important to listen to “what is not said”

You can listen to what is not being said by using your empathy. If you try to understand what others are experiencing, you can better understand where they are going with their communication. It can help you understand things around them that they otherwise would never have said out loud.

  • Sometimes a sentence is more than just a series of words with a specific meaning. The speaker’s facial expressions, their tone and their body language are equally important. Learn to recognize nonverbal communication, which can sometimes have greater significance than the words being said.
  • If you talk to others face to face, you can read their state of mind and mood from the eyes.
  • It is important to cultivate face-to-face relationships where one makes eye contact. One’s gaze is full of wisdom, intuition and closeness. It is the most important part of communication. This is because communication is primarily designed to express emotions.

You do not have to give explanations to the people who only perceive what they themselves want

Sometimes one has to admit that one has lost in advance. Even if they love you, they may not understand you.

  • Sometimes the conversation can go much further than dealing with the emotions. Values ​​are an even more sensitive topic.
  • For example, some parents have a certain idea about who their children should be with or marry. The children may have values ​​that the parents place less emphasis on.

Sometimes it can be impossible to create understanding where there is only bias. Both parties must have the desire to understand each other before communication can succeed.

Before you continue to fight a useless battle, you may have no choice but to accept that other people will have different views and they may not be able to understand you, no matter how much you try to communicate.

Remember that despite all this, one should always treat others with respect.

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