Yellow Spots On White Clothes? Discover These 5 Essential Tricks

Do you have yellow spots on your white clothes? Try some of these natural remedies. They are easy, safe and environmentally friendly.
Yellow spots on white clothes?  Discover these 5 essential tricks

White clothes are great to combine with other colors. They go well with other colors and help us get the clean look we want. Unfortunately, they easily get yellow spots.

When it comes to washing, it is not so easy to combine white and colored clothes. It’s not just because white clothes are very prone to stains. In addition, it is also thanks to  the yellowish color it tends to take on, which can be very difficult to get rid of.

When white clothes absorb sweat, are exposed to dust and some types of detergent,  the natural tone of the fabric can be affected.  As time goes on, it will leave your favorite white clothes with an old and dirty look.

Fortunately for us, however, there are a number of  natural solutions one can use for his clothes. They all have a bleaching effect to help get the original color of the clothes back or preserve it.

Although there are also commercial products available that do the same,  these alternatives are much cheaper – and much more environmentally friendly!

Below we will share some details about the 5 best natural detergents. Be sure to try to give them a try on your next wash day!

Natural ways to remove yellow stains on white clothes

1. Lemon and salt

Lemon against yellow spots on white clothes

This combination of lemon juice and salt gives a mixture with a bleaching effect. When applied to white clothing, it removes unattractive stains caused by sweat and dust.


  • The juice from 2 lemons
  • 1 tablespoon salt (10 grams)

Course of action

  • First, squeeze all the juice from the 2 lemons and mix the juice with salt.
  • Add warm water and use the resulting mixture to  soak your white clothes for 1-2 hours.
  • After that time  , the clothes are rinsed as usual  and allowed to dry in the sun.
  • In case of  stains from sweat in the armpit, the mixture with lemon comes directly on the affected area  and is allowed to sit for 30 minutes to work.

2. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural ingredient that can be used in one’s regular wash to achieve whiter and cleaner clothes.

Thanks to its natural properties, it can remove the yellowish tones that begin to affect one’s white clothes, and  get rid of stains from food and sweat.


  • 125 ml of hydrogen peroxide at 3%
  • 125 ml of warm water

Course of action

  • Mix hydrogen peroxide and the hot water.
  • Then put it in one of the compartments of your washing machine.
  • If the yellow stains you are trying to remove are deep in the fabric, you can spray the mixture directly on the fabric. 

Clear vinegar

Vinegar against yellow spots on white clothes

Clear vinegar is known throughout the world because of the many ways it can help clean one’s home in an environmentally friendly way. Moreover  , it is an excellent remedy when it comes to reducing and removing stains on white clothes.

Its acidic substances are able to penetrate deep into the tissues of clothing and help remove the organisms that are seen as stains.

And by the way, that’s not all –  clear vinegar also has an emollient effect similar to that obtained from commercial products. This means that it leaves the clothes not only immaculate, but also more comfortable to wear!


  • 125 ml clear vinegar
  • 62 ml of detergent

Course of action

  • Combine the clear vinegar with the detergent you normally use and  place the mixture in the compartment of your washing machine.
  • Another option is to soak the clothes in a bucket of vinegar and water.

4. Cold milk

This old grandmother trick has not lost its power over the years as an easy way to bleach white clothes that are starting to turn yellow.


  • 500 ml of milk
  • 250 ml of water
  • 6 ice cubes

Course of action

  • Add the ice cubes to the milk and then add 250 ml of cold water.
  • The clothes are then placed in the mixture and  allowed to stand for one hour.
  • After the recommended time, the clothes are washed using the usual detergent and allowed to dry in the sun.

5. Baking soda and lemon

Lemon and baking soda against yellow spots on white clothes

Baking soda is a white powder that has been used as a cleanser since the dawn of time.

Its  antibacterial and astringent properties  mean it is excellent for disinfecting surfaces and removing any stains that appear.

In addition, some even consider it as a natural detergent, as it  easily penetrates into fabric to remove dirt and stains.

Applying it on white clothes is an effective way to fight stains. After several uses, it will cause yellow clothing to turn white again.


  • 100 grams of baking soda
  • 62 ml lemon juice

Course of action

  • First, place the baking soda in a bucket of water. Then add lemon juice.
  • Put the fabric in and  let it soak for an hour. Then rinse the clothes with a neutral soap.
  • Let it dry in the sun. Repeat this a few times  until you get the desired color.

Follow these tips to get your clothes tidy again without affecting the environment or coming into contact with harmful chemicals.

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