Work To Live, Do Not Live To Work

Thanks to technological development, there are now plenty of opportunities to further develop this knowledge and adapt it to the needs of each individual moment.
Work to live, do not live to work

Often one hears people say that they will have to find a job that they sincerely like. That way, they will never have to work a single day in their lives. Work to live, do not live to work, that is the subject of this article.

But we all know that this is not entirely true. In order to live, some people are sometimes forced to perform certain professional jobs that do not conform to them or their values.

But it should not be that way. Spending a large part of your day in a bad environment that violates one’s principles will sooner or later affect one’s emotional health. This will also eventually affect one’s physical health.

Life is too short to do the wrong job.

That is why you should, as far as possible, perform tasks that suit your talents. And more than anything else, one should do things that give a satisfaction. You can achieve this by doing something you are good at and give you a good feeling.

Work to live, let’s look at it.

Time to work and time to live

If you are familiar with the “theory of the three eight-figures”, then you already know that ideally an 8-hour workday will provide 8 hours of free time and 8 hours of rest or sleep.

You also know that things are not always this way. There are extra working hours on one’s shift or shared shifts that make one lose valuable hours of the day.

Experts in work psychology point out 3 different types of profiles associated with meeting work and the complicated environment that is around one. They are as follows:

1. People who hate their work

The first type refers to people who for some reason have reached the point where they hate their jobs.

  • This can be caused by several different factors. For example, poor management, people who do not value their employees or who “exploit” them. It can also sometimes be certain environments based on competition or great pressure. In that situation, certain colleagues may make you not like your work. This can cause stress and discomfort.
Woman with headache

2. Those who do what is necessary

This type clearly makes up the majority of the population. When the day is over, work is after all both necessary and obligatory. So you do your best at your job.

But one will end up feeling a kind of abandonment. This stops one from dreaming of ever living a better life or winning the lottery.

  • If there is no kind of violent discomfort or a harmful situation, as previously described, people sometimes fall into a routine or lack motivation. These individuals end up losing their vital energy.
  • They slowly fall into an apathetic and suffocating routine. This can lead to stress and anxiety caused by lack of personal satisfaction. It is caused by an internal imbalance.
  • Work becomes a routine and something that defines one. It also makes one feel useful and proud of oneself. Although there are differences between individuals, many end up suffering from a depression because of this.

3. People who love what they do

This group of people includes those who have found their personal purpose, which defines them. They identify themselves with it. For these people, work is not an obligation. Rather, it is something that gives them personal meaning.

  • Their work not only promotes their own satisfaction, but it also promotes the quality of life of others.
  • People who love what they do and who have been lucky enough to find a remedy or context that values ​​their abilities are working on its true calling.
  • The word call comes from Latin and means “a call from within that transforms one’s voice into action.” This is something that we should all find. We should all find the means to do this.
Boerne photographer

Knowledge nomads, the workers of the future

In this evolving and more complex society, a new workforce has emerged. It is as interesting as it is useful. They are known as “knowledge nomads”, and they have the following characteristics.

  • A “knowledge nomad” can be a younger or older person who knows he / she has abilities that can be useful to others and they want to share them.
  • The nomad of knowledge understands that their work is their passion. But they do it independently of others without having to get guidelines and guidance.
  • These people like to make contact with others, either personally or through technological means. This is mainly where they find their perfect place to develop their work.
  • Knowledge nomads value their freedom. They transform information into knowledge and they are versatile. They are constantly learning, they are restless and do not fear mistakes. This is because they also see this as a way of learning.
Woman sitting with butterflies

One exciting thing is that they write a lot of books and teaching materials. They are looking for new employment opportunities in a complex way, and more than anything else, they are trying to work to become happy.

Work to live, do not live to work. What type are you?

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