Who Is The Right Partner For Me? There’s Help Available!

The partner who suits you best is the one whose flaws and shortcomings compliment your own flaws and shortcomings. Someone who meets your needs and whose weaknesses are offset by your own strengths.
Who is the right partner for me?  There's help available!

When it comes to love, there are no magic recipes. None of us can choose who we fall in love with – it just happens. However, it is good if we can somehow use our common sense. If we know ourselves well, we can more easily understand what kind of partner can make us happy. Find out why in this article.

What type of partner can really make me happy?

The right partner can be hard to find

Well, first of all, we need to be realistic. It’s not like we’ll spend a lifetime waiting for Mister Right. The world is full of the imperfect – but together imperfect humans can make each other more perfect and happy.

So it’s not at all about finding the prince on the white horse. It’s about finding someone who suits you and with whom you can grow and mature : One with whom you can create a completely unique bond. It is clear that everyone deserves all the wonderful things about love. But how do you find the person who suits you best?

1. Are you introverted?

It is said that introverted types need extroverted people in their lives. Opposites meet, do they not? But maybe you need to be careful about taking this saying too seriously. Some find it uncomfortable to be with people who are much more outgoing than themselves and may find themselves intimidated by their direct demeanor. Then it’s better to compromise: Choose someone who is outgoing and who can help you open up, while respecting your restraint.

2. Are you outgoing?

If you are outgoing – strange as it may sound – it’s best to team up with others of the same race. If you are the type who likes to go hiking, go out to eat, hang out with a large group of friends and generally do a thousand things at once, then problems and discussions will often arise if you have a partner who are passive and would rather stay at home.

It’s cool to be with someone who wants to do all the same things as yourself. It’s just really rehearsal if you want to take your boyfriend out and he just does not feel like it.

3. Are you a little unsure?

If you have difficulty making decisions, often have more questions than answers, and find it a little difficult to start projects or deal with change, then it may be good for you to find a confident boyfriend – someone who is mature and knows what he will – as long as he does not go and become arrogant or dominant.

For example, it could be a calm “father figure type”: Someone who likes to protect and support you and who can calm you down when you are nervous: Someone who helps you feel confident and increase your self-esteem; a mature and serious person.

4. Are you impulsive and independent?

There are many women who want a partner without feeling “bound”. This may seem incompatible with the definition of a relationship. There must be some kind of obligation, right? Not necessarily : Today, there are countless women who, more than anything else, place emphasis on being able to move upward in their careers and have control over their daily lives and their decisions. Women who like best to be themselves.

It may be best to avoid people who look too much like yourself. Unless you want a short-lived and intense relationship. Two people who both need to be in control often do not work very well in a relationship. It might be a good idea to find a calm and relaxed person. One that is compliant, clear and simple and that keeps the drama down.

Above all – look for a partner who makes you happy

The right partner3

We know that everything we have discussed above is not particularly easy to relate to. Sometimes we end up falling for someone who is completely different from ourselves, someone who does not fit into the plan. But don’t worry, no matter how different your boyfriend is from you, these three points are the most important:

  • Find someone who can respect you, listen to you and love both your weaknesses and your strengths.
  • Look for a partner who gives you a reason to smile every day. Someone who gives you a feeling of happiness inside when you wake up in the morning.
  • Stay with the partner who makes you a better person. He / she should be someone you can live with and who makes the problems feel “easier”; an optimistic person who fits your needs.

You deserve it!

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