What Are Black Spots On The Tongue?

Black spots on the tongue can be due to many possible causes. The most likely culprits are tobacco and poor oral hygiene.
What are black spots on the tongue?

It may seem strange, but black spots on the tongue occur somewhat more frequently than you think. Understandably, they often worry those who have them. However, their causes are many and varied.

First, their location and appearance vary. These spots can also appear on the back of the tongue and even look hairy. They can also germinate in other areas, in groups or individually. They are mostly temporary, so their duration depends on why they occurred, to begin with.

In today’s article, we explain what the main reasons for this are along with their possible consequences.

What causes black spots on the tongue?

Under normal conditions, the tongue is red and covered with small dents called papillae. However, there are some cases where the papillae lose color and thus come to look like black spots.

Close up of tongue

Black hairy tongue

In this case, the tongue becomes dark and has a hairy appearance. This happens because dead skin cells do not exfoliate as they should. Thus, they accumulate and lead to swelling of the papillae. This is because the papillae are responsible for catching bacteria, food debris, tobacco traces, etc. These substances make the tongue dirty.

Also read: Your tongue, health and emotions

This is a mild and temporary condition. Many processes can cause it:

  • Use of antibiotics and irritating mouthwash.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Excessive intake of coffee or black tea.
  • Alcohol consumption and smoking.

It is usually worrying when one discovers these spots. However, it is not necessary as it does not necessarily lead to further health problems and is painless. Thus , it usually goes away by removing the above factors and having proper oral hygiene.

Hyperpigmentation of the tongue

This is a benign disorder that also leads to black spots on the tongue. It is relatively common in African and Asian ethnicities. It often occurs between the ages of 20 and 30, although it also occurs in some children. In general, it affects the lateral surfaces of the tongue and its tip.

The cause of this condition is still unknown, although researchers are investigating the possibility of a genetic factor. Some studies continue to try to demonstrate the legacy of this pathology.

Fungal infection

Fungal infection is common in people with poor oral hygiene. However, the black spots can also show up after taking certain types of antibiotics. This is because antibiotics alter the bacteria of the tongue, including the good kind.

Woman reaches tongue out

Injuries and wounds

Although it is rarely something we think about, the tongue can also be injured. Any blow or bite that does not damage the tissue can form a small bruise on the tongue. It often looks like small black spots on the tongue.

Black spots on the tongue due to medication

As we mentioned before, antibiotics can weaken the microbiota of the tongue. Then it is easier to get a fungal infection.

However, some medications can also cause black spots on the tongue. The mechanism of this side effect is complex. However, this is just a temporary situation. Your tongue will be normal again as soon as you stop taking the medicine.

Also read: All about broad-spectrum antibiotics

The important thing about black spots on the tongue

Black spots on the tongue can show up for various reasons. However, most cases are due to bad habits like poor oral hygiene and smoking. Therefore, it is very important to maintain proper hygiene. Most dentists also recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Similarly, use dental floss and mouthwash daily.

Also try to stop toxic habits like smoking. Tobacco not only causes black spots, it can also lead to cancer of the oral cavity.

Contact your doctor if you notice changes in the color of your tongue or any part of your mouth. They perform the necessary relevant tests to diagnose you and rule out cancer.

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