Vegetable Milk: Features And Benefits

For those who are lactose intolerant, there is a wide range of vegetable milk that can replace cow’s milk. Why do experts recommend them? What are the benefits of them? Today we will tell you everything you need to know about them.
Vegetable milk: Features and benefits

Vegetable milk is a product that has become very popular and common in recent years. Many people choose them to be able to replace cow’s milk, as  they are an excellent choice for those who are lactose intolerant. However, it is important to keep certain things in mind regarding them in order to guarantee a good nutritional quality.

What are the possible benefits of vegetable milk? When is it recommended to take them? These are just a few of the many questions that people have regarding these drinks.

To give you a clearer understanding of them, we will tell you about their properties and uses.

Vegetable milk: A substitute for cow’s milk

Milk is a substance that contains many nutrients. However, it is not a good choice for those who have developed lactose intolerance. There are variations of milk that lack this type of sugar that cause discomfort, but their organoleptic properties are not the same. The difference in taste may therefore be unappealing to some.

In those cases, vegetable milk is an excellent alternative because of the nutrients that it offers. Their protein and fat content is small, but as long as they do not contain added sugar, they are suitable for a low-calorie diet.

These types of milk are in some cases enriched with essential nutrients such as B vitamins. According to a study published in the journal  Sub-cellular Biochemistry  , these vitamins are important when it comes to converting energy. By introducing them into the diet in the right amount, one can reduce the risk of damage to cells and DNA.

Vegetable milk in glass

Vegetable milk is easier to digest

One of the most remarkable things about vegetable drinks is that they are easy to digest. Since these products are low in fat and protein, they pass more quickly through the gastrointestinal tract and without causing discomfort.

They are therefore an excellent choice to add to coffee or milkshakes for those who suffer from pain in the stomach or intestines. Vegetable milk is perfectly combined with fruits, so you can also use them to make smoothies.

However, if one tends to suffer from problems related to bowel transit or the digestive process, then one should talk to a specialist first. In some cases, these disorders are associated with an imbalance in the intestinal flora. According to a study published in the Journal of Biomedical Science,  supplementation of probiotics may help correct the problem.

Vegetable milk contains protein

The proteins present in vegetable milk do not have a high biological value. There is also less than there is in cow’s milk. However, vegetable milk also contains this type of nutrients.

They are an excellent choice for those who follow a vegan diet as they help to meet the need for protein. However, it is important to note that the proteins do not have a high biological value, they lack essential amino acids, and their digestibility can be improved.

As a result, they  should not be a person’s sole source of protein. Rather, they should be combined with other plant products  that contain this micronutrient. In order to guarantee an optimal intake, one should follow the indications of a nutritionist.

Pay attention to beverages that contain sugar

When it comes to buying vegetable drinks, one should pay special attention to the nutrition labels. Some variations contain added sugar. These ingredients improve the taste of the milk, but they also significantly reduce the nutritional value.

According to a study published in the journal  Advances in Nutrition  , an excessive intake of simple sugar increases the risk of developing metabolic diseases. Adding carbohydrates to vegetable milk can therefore affect a person’s health and increase the risk of developing diabetes.

It is very essential to read the nutrition labels on these products. This way you can choose the variations that are free of added sugar. In addition, you should consume those that contain a larger amount of vegetable products such as rice or oats.


You can include vegetable drinks in your normal diet

Experts do not recommend replacing cow’s milk with vegetable milk if there is no physical need for it (for example, lactose intolerance or an allergy to milk protein). However, one can still include these types of milk in his daily diet.

When the goal is to find a good base for a milkshake or smoothie, then vegetable drinks are more digestible than dairy products. In any case, one should remember to choose variations without added sugar. Otherwise, one will consume a product that lacks nutritional value.

Lastly  , keep in mind that some of these types of vegetable milk are fortified with vitamins and minerals. These products are especially useful when it comes to preventing deficits.

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