Tracheal Tubes: Types And Uses

Tracheal tubes help keep the airways open. In this article we will tell you how and why doctors use these tools. Read on to learn more.
Tracheal tubes: Types and uses

Doctors usually insert tracheal tubes through the mouth or nose. They ensure that a patient’s airways remain open so that they can breathe properly.

Doctors use it under anesthesia when a situation is acute, needs medical breathing or has been in an accident that has affected their airways.

Some studies describe the procedure as  “invasive mechanical ventilation.” This is because tracheal tubes force the airways to open. In fact, they do, even though they are completely closed.

In many situations, however, it is necessary to use medication to  help the muscles in the area where the tracheal tubes are to enter to relax. Below we will see how doctors use them. We will also explain what they are made of and what to keep in mind.

Parts of tracheal tubes

Illustration of the use of tracheal tubes

Tracheal tubes or invasive mechanical ventilation systems consist of different parts. It is important that you know what they are:

  • Connector:  This is a piece that connects the tube and the ventilator. You could also call it a mouthpiece, and it is the opposite of the part that goes into the airways.
  • Body: It is the main part of the hose that allows air to pass through. Usually it has a light on it so the doctors can see if they are inserting it properly.
  • Tip : It is opposite the connector, and sometimes has a pointed end with an opening called “Murphy’s opening”. However, not all snakes have this. It can actually increase the chance of respiratory injuries.
  • Balloon:  It is close to the connector and usually has a custom and ergonomic design so it is easy to insert. This part of the hose helps to reduce the pressure on the walls of the trachea. It is usually used in children.

Types of tracheal tubes

Doctor unpacks tracheal tubes

In addition to the individual parts of the tracheal tubes, there are also different types of snakes. Here is a selection of them:

  • Lumen tracheal tubes : Sterile utensils made of polyvinyl chloride or silicone. Doctors can insert them through the mouth or nose, and can use anesthesia to make it easier. They have a ball with high volume and low pressure.
  • Dual lumen tracheal tubes Ideal for patients with asymmetric lung disease or those with a bronchopleural fistula. They actually allow doctors to access one lung at a time.
  • Spatial tracheal tubes: There are several types, such as the laser resistant ones used during surgeries. They contain a helical wire on the inner wall of the tube, to protect it from the clamps doctors use in orofacial surgery and in brain surgery.
  • Multi-port hoses : Doctors can provide medications patients need in emergencies. For example, can give anesthesia or relaxants to help the tubes through the trachea.

As you can see, there are tracheal tubes for every situation and every need a patient may have. But there are some things to keep in mind before using tracheal tubes.

Things to keep in mind

It is extremely important to know how to position the tracheal tubes correctly. Failure to do so may result in death.

Before the first, never force the hoses down your throat. If the airways resist due to tension or irritation, give them relaxing medication so that you do not damage the trachea.

Professionals performing this procedure must also be fast, accurate and flexible. Lastly, they need to know what type of tubing their patients need so that they do not waste time.

We hope this information has been useful!

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