Three Delicious Recipes For Salad With Quinoa

In this article, we share the recipes for three delicious salads with quinoa. Try them!
Three delicious recipes for salad with quinoa

Delicious, crispy, green, healthy: Such are salads. And if you add the delicious and nutritious quinoa to them, they are even better. A salad is always a very low calorie dish that you can enjoy at any time. Due to its high nutritional content, quinoa salad is always a good option if you are trying to eat as healthy and light as possible.

To be able to vary your meals, we present you with 3 different recipes for salad with quinoa, so you can enjoy them alone or accompanied by your favorite dish. All of these salads are very easy to prepare and do not take long, which is ideal if you need to come up with something to eat quickly.

1. Salad with quinoa and vegetables


  • 2 cups quinoa (200 g)
  • 1 box of green peas (250 g)
  • 1/2 cup split almonds (50 g)
  • 3 cups mineral water (300 ml)
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped shallots (50 g)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil (25 g)
  • Little cabbage (to taste)
  • 2 grated carrots (20 g).
  • 1 red pepper, finely chopped (30 g)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)
quinoa salad with vegetables


  1. Wash the quinoa at least 2 or 3 times in water.
  2. Place the water, salted to taste, in a saucepan, boil and add the quinoa. When it boils, reduce the heat and cover the pan for 10 to 12 minutes.
  3. You know that quinoa is ready when the seeds look transparent and have a white “tail”. Drain them and let them sit for 10 minutes.
  4. Steam the peas and drain them.
  5. Mix quinoa with a fork.
  6. Once all the ingredients have cooled, mix all the remaining ingredients in a bowl together with the salt and pepper, vinegar and olive oil.

2. Salad with quinoa and broccoli

This salad contains not only broccoli but also other very nutritious ingredients. You can take this salad to work as a complete lunch!

salad with quinoa


  • Salt (to taste)
  • 1 cucumber (40 g)
  • 1 lemon (30 g)
  • 1 tomato (30 g)
  • 3 cloves garlic (3 g)
  • 1/4 onion (5 g)
  • 2 cups water (400 ml)
  • 1 cup quinoa (200 g)
  • 1 cup broccoli (100 g)
  • 1 yellow pepper (30 g)
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper (2.5 g)


  1. First, rinse the quinoa in a sieve under the tap. Let the water drain from the quinoa.
  2. Then pour the quinoa and the 2 cups of water into a saucepan with 1/4 onion, a clove of garlic and a teaspoon of salt.
  3. Boil this mixture. When the water starts to boil, lower the heat and cook for approx. 15 minutes or until the water has boiled off.
  4. Then cut the broccoli into small pieces and immerse them in boiling water for 1 minute. Drain them and set them aside.
  5. Peel and chop the cucumber into small cubes. Do the same with the red pepper and tomato.
  6. For the vinaigrette, mix olive oil with the juice of one lemon, two cloves of chopped garlic, half a teaspoon of salt and a quarter teaspoon of black pepper in a bowl. Stir until well blended.
  7. Once the quinoa has cooled, mix it in a bowl with the broccoli, pepper, cucumber and tomato.
  8. Pour over with vinaigrette and let the salad cool.

Also read: Three recipes for frozen yogurt

3. Quinoa and corn salad

This salad is the easiest of the three, so we encourage you to give it a try. In just 10 minutes you will be able to enjoy this nutritious salad with quinoa!

quinoa corn salad


  • 1/2 cup quinoa (100 g)
  • 1/4 cup corn (50 g)
  • 12 black olives (5 g)
  • 12 cherry tomatoes (20 g)
  • 1/4 cup carrot (grated (50 g)
  • 1 avocado cut into cubes (80 g)
  • Extra virgin olive oil (to taste)


  1. As with all of these recipes, quinoa should be washed, either by washing it in a sieve, or by washing them in a bowl at least three times. The reason it is washed is to remove saponins on the seeds.
  2. Then wash the olives and cherry tomatoes well.
  3. Cook the quinoa well, either by following the instructions in the other recipes, or following the instructions on the packaging.
  4. Once the quinoa has cooled, put them in a bowl and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Then add olive oil to add a little moisture (to make the salad less dry) and give the ingredients more flavor.

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