These Foods Make You Hungry

There are some foods that leave you hungry, due to their composition. As a result, they make you more likely to overeat and become overweight. What foods are these? Read this article to find out!
These foods make you hungry

When determining your diet,  it is important to avoid certain foods as some foods make you hungry. This type of food does not satiate and generally contains a large amount of calories.

Eating these foods can often lead to weight gain,  and if you include them in your diet, it is harder to create a balanced diet.  In this article, we will therefore share with you what foods make you hungry so you know you need to avoid them. That way, you can improve your weight and your overall health.

Foods with simple sugar

Sweets and sweets have good organoleptic properties and contain many calories. This poses a significant risk as  they encourage consumers to eat more than they need.  It increases their daily intake of calories.

The frequent occurrence of this type of food in your diet leads to an increased risk of gaining weight and becoming overweight, as mentioned in a study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition.

Some foods make you hungry because they contain a small amount of fiber. The large amount of glucose they contain can lead to disorders such as reactive hypoglycemia for sugar intake. This leads to an increase in appetite in the short term.

On the other hand, there are scientific articles which indicate that refined sugar has addictive properties.

When considering a healthy diet, we recommend limiting the intake of this type of food. Of course, one can still enjoy them, but in moderation. In addition  , one should always keep in mind how inadequate they are for our health.

Some foods make you hungry, like sugar and honey

Fruit juice

Unlike whole fruits, fruit juices are examples of some foods making you hungry. This is mainly due to their low fiber content. By squeezing the juice from fruits, we retain its sugar content and parts of its vitamins and minerals, but we also lose all of its dietary fiber.

This leads to a decrease in the feeling of satiety. So it is likely that one will continue to be hungry after drinking fruit juice.  In addition, elimination of fiber leads to faster uptake of glucose, which can cause greater stress to the pancreas.

For this reason, we recommend that you regularly consume whole fruits, but not fruit juices. In case one wants a beverage, the best solution is to opt for smoothies.

By putting whole pieces in the blender together with some added liquid, you preserve some of the fibers in the food and its properties. That way, one will feel more satiated and  will not lose one of the essential nutrients for the care of intestinal flora.

These foods make you hungry: Refined pasta and bread

Like sweet things with simple sugar  , refined pasta and bread are foods high in carbohydrates and low in fiber.  This situation increases the risk of developing reactive hypoglycemia, which encourages you to eat more immediately.

Since they are foods with good organoleptic characteristics, which are usually also accompanied by fatty sauces, on the other hand, they also lead to an overconsumption. It is better to choose brown rice or other whole grain products when you want a meal rich in carbohydrates.

Oats, for example, contain a large amount of fiber and have a greater saturating property. It is also one of the best foods to promote bacterial biodiversity in your gut flora.

Nutritionist rejects white bread

Choose your diet carefully as some foods make you hungry

An essential step in creating a diet plan that works is to choose good foods. One will have to choose foods that contain a large amount of nutrients and a small amount of simple sugar and trans fat.

In addition  , it is important to review the content of energy in one’s foods to choose a balanced diet when looking at the content of calories. In this way, you will ensure the correct supply of substances to the body, while reducing the intake of harmful substances.

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