Therefore You Must Make Peace With Yourself Today

It is time to make peace with ourselves and stop punishing ourselves. We should learn to be content with our body and our true selves so that we can stop harming our self-esteem.
Therefore, you must create peace with yourself today

I want to make peace with myself. I have, after all, done so much damage to myself, and I have allowed myself to be misled by so many confusing messages that I have become my own worst enemy.

Just by going outside we are bombarded with a whole lot of messages, advertisements and posters telling us that we should be thinner, hide our wrinkles, get fuller hair and so on… But what is wrong with us if we have gain extra pounds, deep wrinkles, and thin hair? Will we feel bad or sad because of it? Will we be sorry for ourselves?

But even though it is the reality we see in the beginning, it is up to us to decide whether it is true or not. We simply have to look at other cultures to see if they have other beauty ideals. Why do we stubbornly continue to give power to something that will change over time, and it is in fact unreal and difficult to achieve?

The hole of perfection

trapped woman

We can imagine that the way we search for perfectionism that society imposes on us is within reach, but in reality it is like a hole we continue to fall deeper into. There is no end, not even a path out because we are bombarded with messages from all sides about weight, stature, beauty that we give too much credibility to.

We move between beauty and ugliness, the good and the bad. There does not seem to be any middle ground – it is all or nothing. Maybe we can wake up tomorrow as a happy human being. Happy with the person we see in the mirror. But what we see when we leave the house opens up to the criticism, the rejections that cause sadness and frustration in us.

We like to seek the approval of others, and try to fit in so that the rest of society accepts us. But while that which is unique and different may be visible, it is important to learn not to compare ourselves with others.

  • We cannot pretend to have thin legs if we actually have much larger legs. Rejecting the truth can create a cycle of stress that will not have a good result.
  • Do not be something we are not. Do not look too much at society’s standards of what is beautiful, like the ultimate truth. In fact, these standards have changed significantly over time.
  • We just have to look at the past and how people were in that time and what their beauty ideals were, to see that this is true.

Creating peace is possible

to make peace with yourself

It is possible to create peace with yourself. Stop blaming yourself. Start seeing yourself as an original, unique and full of good things. Is it not true that the person who does not mind being who they are now catches our attention? Being unique makes them stand out. And they do not care about being rejected. Their unique character attracts worthy people.

Comparing ourselves to others is brutal to our self-esteem, which will believe that we are not enough, equal, valuable… It is a free way to harm ourselves and become unhappy. Moreover, we deserve to enjoy life without allowing ourselves to suffer because of these, merely aesthetic issues.

Creating peace with ourselves has to do not only with something that is superficial, but also with all the belief patterns that surround us, and many of them have been embedded deep in our minds.

For example, the tendency is not to say “no” just because we want to be nice to everyone, or because we feel that love means we have to suffer. These negative patterns trap us in harmful conditions.

They make us live in situations where we do not feel comfortable. But society taught us that, and that is why we give it great credibility.

free woman

The conclusion is…

We should learn to question everything, and open our eyes to the true reality. And what is more important is that we should stop blindly accepting what others want to idealize and bring forward. It is possible to create peace with our true selves. Undo everything we thought was true, and made our lives so difficult.

It is time to free ourselves from this great weight, to stop blaming ourselves, to try to be something other than what we really are. The time is right to worry about what makes us shine as human beings.

Main image lent by @

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