Therefore It Is Healthy To Drink Oat Milk

The benefits of drinking oat milk are many. In addition to being easier to digest than cow’s milk, oatmeal gives you vitamin B. This important nutrient protects and regulates your central nervous system.
Therefore, it is healthy to drink oat milk

Have you heard of the benefits of drinking oat milk? More and more people are taking dairy products out of their diet and replacing them with plant-based dairy products. They do so for digestive reasons, but also because these dairy-free products have amazing properties. Today we focus on oat milk.

What is oat milk and how do you drink it?

As the name suggests, this product comes from oats, making it 100% dairy free. It is one of the most common options for vegans and people who are lactose intolerant.

You can drink oat milk cold or hot, with tea, coffee or chocolate. In addition, it is great for all kinds of recipes, such as creams, sauces, smoothies and cakes.

You can buy it ready-made in the store (some brands even have vanilla or chocolate variations) or you can make it yourself at home.

Here is a recipe you can use to guide you:


  • 6 tablespoons oatmeal (60 g)
  • 4 glasses of water (1 liter)

Course of action

  • Put oatmeal in a blender.
  • Add the water and blend well (it should turn into a whitish liquid).
  • Say it with a wire mesh or a piece of fabric (a coffee filter also works).
  • Use the liquid as milk. You can use the rest of what is left to make baked goods.
  • To make it thicker, add another 1 or 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. If you want to make it thinner, you can reuse the water left in the filter.

We recommend using honey as a sweetener. Brown sugar and stevia are also good options.

While oat milk is very healthy and nutritious, it is best to avoid if you suffer from gluten allergy (celiac disease).

Therefore, it is healthy to drink oat milk

Since it gives us so many natural nutrients, oat milk is good for people of all ages.

It is easier to digest than cow’s milk and provides a large amount of fiber, which helps against constipation.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of drinking oat milk.

1. Try drinking oat milk for better digestion

Oatmeal helps to cleanse the body

Oatmeal contains fiber and is good for digestion. Try drinking oat milk if you are bloated or if you have bowel problems.

2. Oatmeal keeps you young

The large amount of antioxidants also protects your body from free radicals. These harmful substances are the cause of many diseases, including premature aging.

It is also good for this because of the essential amino acids that oats contain. They help our body to function properly and keep the cells healthy for longer.

3. Drink oat milk if you are bloated

One of the benefits of oat milk is that it regulates your intestinal flora

If you have gastrointestinal problems, oat milk is a good way to regulate your intestinal flora. This is thanks to all the vegetable fibers it contains. You can even take it at the beginning of the day, for breakfast (for example, in your coffee).

4. It regulates the sugar content

People with diabetes tend to notice improvements in their blood sugar levels when they start drinking oatmeal. This is because oats have the ability to control blood sugar levels.

5. It lowers bad cholesterol

Oat milk contains omega 3 and 6, which help fight bad cholesterol

By providing a high dose of omega 3 and 6 unsaturated (good) fatty acids , oat milk reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. At the same time, it also helps increase your good cholesterol.

Drinking oat milk a few times a week can even improve your cardiovascular health. It removes fat accumulation in the walls of your arteries, making your heart much healthier.

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6. It helps against indigestion

Many people who drink cow’s milk have intestinal or stomach problems. This is because dairy products contain substances that are not easy to digest (not to mention the hormones given to cows so that they produce more milk).

The good news when it comes to oatmeal is that your stomach has all the necessary tools to digest it. This makes it ideal for people who often feel heavy after their meals.

7. It protects your nervous system

One of the benefits of drinking oat milk is that it can help people with an imbalance in the nervous system

People struggling with stress, anxiety, depression or any other imbalance in the nervous system can really benefit from the benefits of drinking oat milk.

It provides a large amount of vitamin B which can help calm your body.

There is nothing better after a long day full of obligations and problems than drinking a hot cup of oat milk with honey before bedtime.

You can say goodbye to insomnia or other sleep disorder.

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8. It helps your muscles and your bones

This plant-based beverage contains many muscle-strengthening proteins. It can even prevent cramps while exercising.

Spending the whole day at a desk can help reduce the risk of muscle spasms.

It also contains potassium, zinc and magnesium, three of the most important nutrients for bone formation and strengthening. Therefore, it is recommended for children and the elderly.

9. Try drinking oat milk if you want to lose weight

Oats can also help you achieve weight loss

Oatmeal can even be a good appetite regulator. Thanks to its satiating properties, it helps you avoid overeating between meals and keeps you away from unhealthy foods.

Oats also prevent fluid retention. In fact, oat milk is even more dietary than skim milk because it does not contain fats.

10. It is healthy for the thyroid gland to drink oat milk

Diseases that cause imbalance in the thyroid gland are becoming more common every day.

If you have too high a metabolism , we suggest that you drink oat milk because it contains iodine, an important nutrient for anyone with your disorder.

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