Therapeutic Massage: Types And Benefits

A therapeutic massage varies depending on the physiotherapy technique used to treat your problems. Today we are going to look at the most common types you need to know.
Therapeutic massage: Types and benefits

There are different types of therapeutic massage and they can all be divided into many categories. However, all of these techniques are good for treating body ailments as they can be effective in reducing pain.

A massage is the manipulation of soft tissue, which consists of performing a rhythmic action of sufficient intensity at certain points on the body. The manipulation takes place either on the superficial layers of tissue, or in the deep layers.

Massage has therapeutic, hygienic and sporting purposes. Hygienic massage has a primarily aesthetic goal, while sports massage is good before and after physical activity.

In this article , we mainly discuss the different types of therapeutic massage. But before we begin to classify them, we need to look at what their effect on the human body is.

The effect of therapeutic massage on the body

In general, there are no contradictions to massage, except for special conditions that can prevent certain maneuvers. So one type of modality may be more prominent because it is more convenient in the different types of therapeutic massage.

It is a mistake to think that you can only use massage to treat muscle problems. The benefits of therapeutic massage are also physical and psychological. In fact, you can even combine two or more types of massage treatments in the same treatment, to improve all uneven tissue.

Some of the benefits of therapeutic massage are:

  • Muscle development
  • Relaxation of tense muscles
  • Long-term tissue flexibility
  • Pain relief
  • A sense of general well-being
  • Improving blood and lymph circulation

Types of therapeutic massage

Women give woman therapeutic massage

Although there are many different types of therapeutic massage, here is a general list that describes them according to their mechanics:

  • Friction
  • Kneading
  • Friction
  • Compression
  • Shaking
  • Vibrations

Let’s take a closer look at each of them:

Therapeutic massage: Rubbing

This is about uniform and slow rubbing of a body area. In general, it can be longitudinal or circular. It is very important not to rub any tissue that does not need treatment.

Deep rubbing is a type of massage within this category. Its purpose is to loosen and work on the blood and lymph circulation. The massage wants to promote the venous return that often stops.

In its superficial variant, rubbing can increase the surface circulation in the outer tissue, such as the skin, as well as promote skin regeneration.


This is generally one of the most energetic types of therapeutic massage treatment, along with tremor. Kneading seeks to remove the superficial tissue from the deep layer, as well as displace the muscle fibers. This technique thus combines implementation, twisting and stretching, all performed rhythmically.

You can use kneading to remove toxic substances from tissues, to promote muscle nourishment and promote relaxation. Deep kneading can increase the ability of the muscles to contract.

Massage of legs


This next technique is static, so there is no tissue displacement. Here, the therapist maintains the compression of the area for half to a full minute, without moving to the sides.


Within the various types of therapeutic maneuvers that include kneading, shaking is one of the most energetic. There are two ways to do this: the bank and the notch. Therapists tap with their palms in a hollowed-out position.

The chop is done with the long edge of the hands and maintains constant pressure and high energy. Plus, they do this without losing contact between the therapist and the skin.

Thus, shaking increases the blood circulation in the treated area, nourishes the muscles, increases the ability of the muscles to contract and normalizes the tension. As a result, many also consider it a stimulating massage. This is because it improves the overall well-being of the client.

Vibrations as an example of therapeutic massage

The movements in this technique are short and rhythmic. The hands are also in constant contact with the skin, and the therapist’s forearms perform static contractions that create vibrations. However, therapists quickly get tired when performing this maneuver.

Muscle relaxation, stimulation of the blood circulation and release of toxins in the lungs for patients suffering from respiratory disorders are just some of the benefits of this type of massage.

Did you know about therapeutic massage? As you can see, it has more benefits than just the muscles. Contact an expert to find out which type of massage is best for you if you would like to include it in your therapy.

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