The Treatment Of Tendonitis

Tendonitis is painful and can lead to loss of movement. Find out more about the treatment of tendonitis in this article!
The treatment of tendonitis

The treatment of tendonitis is one of the most common tasks in traumatology. Along with tendonitis, it is one of the most common disorders of the tendons.

A tendon is a type of fibrous tissue that connects the muscles and bones of the body. They are essential for controlling the movement of various parts of the body.

This disorder has a high incidence, not only among athletes but also among the general population. Early treatment of tendonitis is essential to prevent the affected tendon from losing its function in the future.

What is tendonitis?

Tendonitis consists of inflammation of the tendon sheath,  which is the area that covers and protects the tendons. Under normal circumstances, these structures produce the synovial fluid, which keeps the tendon lubricated.

When an injury occurs in the area, it can alter the production of this fluid. The vagina itself also becomes inflamed. Both events, which constitute tendonitis, lead to the tendon not functioning as it should because it loses its mechanical function.

Injury to a tendon can lead to impaired mobility. For example, if a tendon that is part of the shoulder gets damaged, the arm will probably not be able to move. At the same time  , the person may experience intense pain during movement.

Runner who takes himself ankle needs the treatment of tendonitis

Athletes are among those who are more susceptible to suffering from tendonitis.

The causes of tendonitis

The truth is that this disorder has several etiologies and causes. In general, doctors distinguish between acute and chronic tendonitis depending on the duration. They all cause pain when touched as well as restricted movements.

It is important to emphasize that it is not a disorder that exclusively affects athletes, as we mentioned at the beginning of the article. Everyone actually suffers from this pathology. However, a large proportion of cases occur in people who constantly make repetitive movements.

The same thing happens when it comes to prolonged body postures such as standing or sitting for a long time. In some cases, tendonitis can occur from limescale deposits, arthritis or even high levels of cholesterol.

Quervain’s tendonitis is one of the best known types. It hits the tendon in the wrist that is part of the movement of the thumb. In some people, this disorder may be the result of an infection.

What does the treatment of tendonitis consist of?

The treatment of tendonitis varies primarily depending on the cause of the disorder. The goal is to reduce pain and inflammation. The first step, therefore, is for the patient to rest.

It is best to avoid moving the affected area as much as possible. In some cases, doctors immobilize the body part with plaster, splints or bandages. Medical treatment often involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

For example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen are a common form of treatment. If the pain goes away, doctors may even resort to corticosteroids.

Applying cold compresses to the area helps to improve the inflammation. If the cause is an infection, then the treatment of tendonitis will also include specific types of antibiotics.

An article published by Manuela BertrĂ¡n University explains that transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a solution to treat this disorder in cases of Quervain’s tendonitis. It is a technique that focuses on relieving pain.

Another study from Frontera University mentions that the use of extracorporeal shock wave therapy improves inflammation that occurs in the process. Both are new techniques that show a development in the treatment of tendonitis.

Other recommendations for the treatment of tendonitis

Basic treatment of tendonitis can improve the situation, but the healing may not be perfect.

In many cases, rehabilitation and physiotherapy are necessary to improve and regain strength in the area. Weakness that can persist is detrimental, especially in athletes who need to return to their training and activity.

Rehabilitation and physiotherapy actually also help prevent future injuries. In some cases, this disorder may be recurrent and the only solution may end up being surgery.

This surgical approach varies and it will depend on the surgeon who chooses the best method for each case. In general, there is a tendency to choose atroscopy based on small incisions, which leave a minimal scar and have a very small impact on the tissues.

Bandages are part of the treatment of tendonitis

Immobilization reduces the pressure on the soft tissues of the joints, which promotes healing.

Prevention of tendonitis

Although the causes may vary, there are general measures to prevent tendonitis. The primary thing is to  avoid repetitive movements in our daily lives. It is also important to strengthen the muscles to improve joint stability.

Warming up before sports and adapting the training to the individual abilities is essential to reduce the chances of future injuries. A hidden factor behind many of the injuries that lead to painful concussions is often pushing the body too much.

To prevent the tendon from suffering from inflammation, it is essential to consider hygiene and proper healing of wounds. However, if there are any signs of bacterial colonies, make sure you go to the doctor.

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