The Hidden Benefits Of Cinnamon

Among the many benefits of cinnamon is its role as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It also helps you lose weight because it increases fat burning.
The hidden benefits of cinnamon

In addition to tasting super good in desserts, cinnamon has been used since ancient times by many cultures for its beneficial health properties. Among them is its ability to detoxify the body, reduce blood sugar levels, promote weight loss, regulate menstruation and combat indigestion. Today we will tell you about the hidden benefits of cinnamon!

Properties of cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that originates from the coast off the Indian Ocean. More specifically, it comes from the island of Sri Lanka, south of India. The most well-known aspect of cinnamon is its scent, which is known for its relaxing properties as well as its use in various cleaning, health, and beauty products.

This exotic spice is a rich source of magnesium, iron, calcium, fiber and vitamins C and B1. It is an effective treatment for diarrhea, indigestion, bloating and can even strengthen the immune system. It is also used as an expectorant, and can relieve problematic respiratory symptoms.

Cinnamon can also help you lose weight, by increasing the body’s ability to burn fat – it is thermogenic. It contains antioxidants that inhibit the natural cellular degeneration process and reduce the effects of free radicals. These antioxidants prevent fat from being deposited in the arteries, which contributes to the fight against cardiovascular disease. Drinking cinnamon tea can help control the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and regulate blood sugar.

Eating cinnamon regularly improves digestion and reduces flatulence.  It also helps treat anorexia because it stimulates the appetite. Cinnamon is a powerful anticoagulant – that is, it prevents platelets from accumulating more than they should at a normal level.

A study conducted by Dr. P. Zoladz of the Association for Chemo-Reception Science in Florida concluded that cinnamon stimulates brain function, especially in the elderly. It enhances other processes in the brain that are responsible for attention, visual memory, recognition and speed processing. Cinnamon also helps reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Because of this, it can improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

You can also use cinnamon externally, for example as an antiseptic or a skin disinfectant. It can remove fungus and bacteria and can be used to treat fungus on feet and nails, as well as sores in the mouth and vaginal infections.


Health benefits of cinnamon

As we have indicated above, cinnamon is a spice with many good qualities that you can get from your daily diet in a variety of ways. But one of the best ways to use cinnamon is in tea. This way you can preserve all the active components of the spice without interfering with other foods. In addition, it is easier for the digestive system to absorb cinnamon, which means that the benefits take effect in a shorter time.

For diabetics

People with type 2 diabetes, (a condition that occurs when the body does not normally respond to an increase in insulin, which generates high levels of blood sugar) benefit most from cinnamon. A cup of this tea can help stabilize blood sugar.

Vitamin B1 stimulates insulin receptors and inhibits the enzyme that activates them. It increases the body’s ability to process glucose. In this case, it is best to drink cinnamon tea while fasting and after meals.

Helps promote weight loss

3-belly fat

The same qualities that make cinnamon tea a great choice for diabetics also benefit weight loss. When you eat more than your body needs, the pancreas overcompensates by producing more insulin. The extra insulin tells your body that there is a lot more energy available for it. However, when your energy needs are met, insulin stores all the extra glucose or sugar in your body for later use.

Because cinnamon reduces your blood sugar levels, there is less insulin in your entire system, causing your body to store less fat and lose weight. One benefit of using this tea for weight loss is that you will discover positive results very quickly. Just drink two cups a day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Good for your stomach

Cinnamon is also good for your digestive system. It reduces flatulence, helps prevent stomach ulcers and stops vomiting and nausea. In general , your food will be digested more easily thanks to the stimulating effect of cinnamon on the production of saliva and stomach acids.

Likewise, cinnamon naturally controls diarrhea and regulates your bowel rhythm. Because of this, it is recommended for anyone who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome. It also helps prevent inflammation in the intestines and triggers your appetite.

Cinnamon contains dietary fiber, iron and calcium, which bind with bile salts and help remove them from the body. These salts can be harmful to the colon if not removed properly.

Helps prevent irregular menstruation

4-abdominal pain

Drinking cinnamon tea is a great way to regulate your menstrual cycle, thanks to its anticoagulant properties. This has two effects: First, it can trigger your period if it is delayed. Secondly, it has an analgesic effect, and reduces menstrual cramps.

 It reduces cholesterol

It has been found that cinnamon can reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. This prevents the formation of atheromas and thrombi that slow down blood flow.

It fights colds and flu

When flu season comes, cinnamon can be one of your best allies. Chinese medicine has long used this tea to treat diseases. Cinnamon is also an antibiotic, reduces inflammation, lowers fever, reduces cough and it tastes great! In addition, it relieves headaches and migraines.

Do not forget that while cinnamon has many wonderful benefits, you should not drink too much of it. For this reason , we recommend that you talk to your doctor before starting the cinnamon treatment to be sure it will supplement any other medication or weight loss regimen you are following.

Reasons to avoid cinnamon

5-cinnamon bark

In some cases, you should avoid consuming cinnamon because many of the amazing properties can actually have a negative effect on your health.

Do not use too much of it

Coumarin is a toxic chemical found in cinnamon. In high doses it can damage the liver and kidneys, so do not use it excessively in your food.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

During pregnancy , it is important to avoid cinnamon. It stimulates blood flow and can cause contraction of the uterus. This can be harmful to the fetus. Likewise, breastfeeding mothers should avoid cinnamon tea because it can cause the baby to develop allergies.

Avoid cinnamon if you have stomach ulcers

When you have ulcers in your stomach or intestines, then consuming cinnamon will just irritate it more. It is best to avoid it completely in this case.

Be careful with your heart

Cinnamon has the ability to increase your heart rate. For this reason, people with known heart conditions should not drink cinnamon. Otherwise, it can raise your heart rate and endanger your health.

Do not mix with antibiotics

Cinnamon is a natural antibiotic, so it is not a good idea to mix it with man-made substances. Its properties can interfere with the way the other medicine works, and cause unpredictable side effects. So avoid it completely if you are taking regular prescription antibiotics.

Recipes for cinnamon

A slimming cinnamon

It’s easy to make this slimming cinnamon – here’s all you need:

  • 1 cup hot water
  • ½ teaspoon crushed cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Mix cinnamon and honey together in your warm water. Let it soak for 10 minutes before ingestion.

Cinnamon tea for menstruation

The ingredients you need are:

  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup boiling water

Put the cinnamon stick in a bowl and pour the boiling water over it. Allow the mixture to cool, then remove the cinnamon stick. Now you are ready to drink your tea. You can sweeten it with sugar or honey.

Cinnamon tea for colds and flu

All you need is:

  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Boiling water
  • Herbal tea, like green tea.

Place your cinnamon stick in the boiling water and leave it for two minutes. Once the water has cooled, remove the cinnamon stick and throw it out. Use this cinnamon water to make an herbal tea, of any kind, that can help reduce your cold and flu symptoms.

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