The Differences Between Karate And Taekwondo

Karate and taekwondo are two types of martial arts with many things in common, but they are also quite different. In this article we will tell you more about them.
The differences between karate and taekwondo

Karate and taekwondo are two very common types of martial arts that can be difficult to tell the difference at first glance. They are quite similar, but still not quite the same.

Both sports originate in Japan and are based on self-discipline and a strict personal code of conduct. They also share a common competition gene. But  taekwondo is an ancient fighting style, while karate, as a discipline, only came into being a few centuries ago. It originates from Chinese kung fu.

It is also important to note that the different positions and movements are very different in taekwondo and karate despite the similarities.

Origin and history

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art characterized by high, bouncing, rotating and fast kicking techniques. It is more than 2,000 years old.

Initially, it was an unarmed defense technique and went by the name Subak. Taekkyeon was the style that made it popular. Back then, there were three rival kingdoms in Korea that trained their men in unarmed combat.

But the Japanese banned Korean martial arts when they invaded the country in the early 1900s, even though it continued to be practiced in secret. At the same time, the many styles changed for different reasons. Later, at a conference in 1955, it was all gathered under a common form of training.

Let us also point out that  Tae  means “to destroy with the feet,”  Kwon  means “to strike or destroy with the hand” and  do  means “way”. Taekwondo  can thus be translated as “destroying with feet and hands”.

By comparison , karate gained popularity hundreds of years ago in the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, now known as Okinawa. It originates from Chinese  kung fu.

It can be dated back to the 17th century, when Japan conquered Okinawa and confiscated all the island’s weapons. Instead, the locals struggled with their bare hands and feet as they had nothing else.

Karate means “empty hand”. The name is of course related to the origin of the discipline as a self-defense system based on the effective use of an unarmed body.

Person practices karate

Fighting style and techniques

Karate is a martial art based on punches, kicks, blows with knees and elbows and techniques with open hand. The sport also has blocking techniques, such as parades and takedowns. The movements are also sharp and linear.

In contrast, taekwondo focuses on kicking techniques. However, the training is also complete and also involves open-handed punches, takedowns, throws and locks.

Also note that the traditional starting style in taekwondo is done with the arms together, while in karate it is done with the arms down along the side and the hands just below the waist, while bending forward and keeping an eye on the opponent.

Differences between karate and taekwondo in combat

The differences between karate and taekwondo are clear in combat. In the latter it happens with helmet and breast protection, while in the former there is no protection.

Both martial arts are also part of the Olympic Games, but karate will not be at the 2024 Olympics in Paris.

Blows and kicks give the same number of points in traditional karate tournaments, so participants get the same out of both techniques. In taekwondo, however, kicking gives more points than hitting.

Similarities in karate and taekwondo

Karate and taekwondo are different but also have similarities. The most relevant are:

  • They are trained in a  dojo.
  • Both disciplines require the same uniforms, usually white or cotton, to provide mobility and flexibility.
  • Both have traditional rules.
  • Both disciplines focus on respect for the coach and opponents.
  • The techniques of taekwondo and karate are part of a set of choreographed forms that in the former are called  kata and in the latter are called  poomsae.
  • Both disciplines develop abilities such as patience, self-discipline and self-confidence.
Taekwondo camp

The specific characteristics of these martial arts

After analyzing this information, you can now see that the differences between karate and taekwondo are quite large, especially on television. But it’s probably not so obvious if you see them in a movie.

However, it is interesting to know both the differences and the characteristics of both of these types of martial arts.

If you end up wondering if Bruce Lee practiced karate or taekwondo, the answer is: Bruce Lee practiced  Wing chun gung fu and ended up developing his own style:  Jun fan gung fu!

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