The Dangers Of Repressed Emotions

It is really important to express your feelings and opinions, always with respect, but without being obsessed with how others around you will react.
The dangers of repressed emotions

“The one who swallows a lot drowns in the end” You may have heard this phrase before. It is an old saying, and like most of these words, they remind us of our ancestors and contain universal truths that we need to know. In this article, we will talk about the dangers of repressed emotions.

How many things do you grab every day? How many thoughts and feelings can you keep to yourself and try not to offend others? Be careful, because in the end you will only  hurt yourself.  We will explain some of the dangers of repressed emotions below. 

1. Silence can mean consent, but… Everything has a limit.

Silence is wisdom, there is no doubt about it, and it is always better than saying something stupid. Before making an extreme comment or saying something inappropriate, it is better to shut up and show more intelligence than someone who does not think before speaking.

But there must be a balance between being quiet and defending your needs:

  • Keeping your thoughts and feelings to yourself does not make others see how they hurt you  or that they have exceeded the limit. No one is a fortune teller, if you do not let others know that something is disturbing or offending you, they will not know.
  • Sometimes it is wise to remain silent and other times you will have to choose wise words. Knowing when to say something and when to stay calm is one of the most important skills you can learn to develop.  It’s not about being completely silent or letting out everything you have in mind. Extremes are never good. Keep a balance, but always remember that hiding your feelings only hurts yourself.  It causes others to violate your personal space, transcend your boundaries, speak on your behalf when you say something, and choose for you when you do not shout. In the end, you will be little more than a puppet with others.

2. Silence about things leads to psychosomatic illnesses

Woman with joint pain

It should not surprise you that the body and mind are intimately connected.  Even so much so that specialists warn that 40% of the population suffers or has suffered from some form of  psychosomatic disorder  during their lifetime.

For example, nervousness,  altered digestion, which causes diarrhea and headaches. Cold sores are triggered by elevated stress levels. Ignoring your thoughts and feelings leads to high levels of anxiety in the body.

Think about the things you did not tell your parents or friends because you did not want to harm them. They do things for you and think they are helping when in reality they are just making you feel uncomfortable. Why can you not tell them the truth? We also think about our partners, and do not want to hurt them, even if they sometimes behave in a way that  hurts us. But we choose to remain silent.

All this will sooner or later end in psychosomatic diseases,  such as migraines, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue…

Say your opinion: The key to emotional release

Couples looking at each other

You should not be afraid to express yourself,  and even less afraid of others who do too. It is as necessary as breathing, eating or sleeping…  Emotional communication is necessary in our daily life to achieve healthier relationships  with others and with ourselves.

Here are a few basic key points to keep in mind:

  • Remember that everything has a limit. If you do not express your thoughts and feelings, you will not act in a dignified manner, then you will lose your self-esteem and control over your life. In the first place,  always remember that you have the right to express what you think and feel.
  • Saying what you mean does not hurt anyone. It is defending yourself and letting others know how you feel.
  • Do not get obsessed with how others will react or get scared. If you are worried about how things can be taken, you can prepare for any reactions. An example: you are tired of your parents coming over every weekend and have no close relationship with your partner. You have decided to ask them to stop coming over so often. How do you think they will react? If you think they will be offended, then prepare to explain that there is no reason to be upset. If you think they will feel pain, then also be prepared to tell them not to feel this way either.
  • Remembering to express what you are thinking and feeling is in fact the best method of emotional liberation that exists. Practice it with wisdom and take care of yourself.

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