The Best Ways To Get Through A Heatwave

If you want to get through a heatwave, all the little steps can help. By taking a few simple reservations, you will be able to avoid the negative effects of high temperatures and you will feel more comfortable.
The best methods to get through a heat wave

It is very important to know how to get through a heat wave, especially when considering the fact that sudden temperature changes have become very common in recent summers. Sudden temperature changes can endanger one’s health.

However, fortunately, it is not that difficult to get through a heat wave. One just needs to  follow some basic steps to ensure that sudden temperature rises do not affect one too much. These guidelines should be carefully implemented in the case of children and the elderly who are most vulnerable to heat.

The best way to get through a heatwave is by following these tips:

Sustained hydration and appropriate attire

Water is poured into a glass

When the temperature is high, continuous hydration is a mandatory reservation. It is best to drink a lot of water. It’s even better if it comes directly from the refrigerator.

Other beverages, especially if they contain a lot of sugar, only cause more thirst. Natural fruit juice is also recommended, especially if it does not contain added sugar. Alcohol is not recommended in any way. You should also keep drinking, even if you do not feel thirsty.

Likewise, it is basic to wear appropriate clothing to be able to withstand the high temperatures. One should use fabric made from  natural fibers, such as cotton, as they facilitate sweating. We also recommend bright colors as they reflect the heat instead of absorbing it.

This is how you can get through a heat wave at home

It is best not to leave the home when the temperature is very high. If you have to go out, you are advised to find some shade. It is preferable to stay inside buildings or enclosed areas that are air conditioned.

In terms of air conditioning, this is an excellent means of getting through a heat wave. However, one should handle it properly. If you have an air conditioner, keep it at a temperature between 22 and 25 ° C. If it is colder, it can cause colds or other ailments.

If you are at home, you can draw the curtains during the hottest hours and close the windows. This helps ensure that the heat does not penetrate into your home. From nine or ten in the evening, it is a good idea to open the windows for a few hours to take advantage of the cool air.

Appliances and power

One of the benefits of summer is that it provides more hours of natural light than any other season. Therefore, one  should not turn on the light unless it is necessary. Light produces heat, which is exactly what one should avoid.

The same goes for white goods. Even if they are turned off, they still create heat if they are plugged in. Although they do not create high temperatures, many of them can aggravate the feeling of heat. Therefore, it is best to turn them off and use them only if necessary.

Home remedies to get through a heat wave

Woman smears aloe vera on face to get through a heat wave

There are several very simple steps one can follow to  successfully get through a heat wave. Some simple tricks can help. Here are some of them:

  • Do not use makeup. Creams and body lotions contain elements that retain heat. It is, therefore, best not to use makeup or use the least amount possible.
  • Do not eat too much. Large meals create metabolic heat and this increases one’s body temperature. Only try to eat light meals several times a day.
  • Moisten yourself if necessary. If you feel very hot, you can spray some cold water on your neck, wrist and forehead. It is easier to regulate your body temperature in these places.
  • Protect yourself when you go out. If you go out, it is best to wear sunglasses and something to protect your head. When the sun is very intense, you should wear an umbrella. Also wear cool shoes that do not prevent sweating.
  • Apply aloe vera. You can freeze a few ice cubes with aloe vera. If you feel that your skin is burning or very dry, you can rub it with them. They are refreshing!

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