The Best Thing You Can Do To Clean Blinds

When it is time to clean your blinds, it is important to be aware of what material the cloth is made of, as you cannot treat everything with the same materials.
The best thing you can do to clean blinds

Sometimes cleaning the house can drive us crazy. Often, each object and each surface requires different treatment. In addition, there are specific cleaning products to be used. In this article, we will show you the best things you can do to clean blinds.

Thorough cleaning can be a difficult task, but if you know some tricks in advance, as well as some effective cleaning techniques, you will spend your time more efficiently and your house will remain sparkling clean.

You will probably be frustrated with cleaning blinds. After all, there are so many grooves, and each blind is made of different materials. Therefore, we will first show you how to make your own tools to clean them thoroughly.

The best tools for cleaning blinds

The decision on which material to use to clean blinds depends on the material of the blinds themselves.

Woman in the process of cleaning blinds

Blinds can be made of many different materials. Therefore, cleaning them requires specific treatment that depends on the material they are made of. There are wood cleaners, others for aluminum and other non-corrosive cleaners that are suitable for those made of plastic.

  • Wood: We recommend that you use the same products used to clean your wood floors.
  • Plastic: The ideal way to clean blinds is to use a sponge with soap and water and scrub the blinds. This method works best if they do not have a significant amount of dirt on them. If the blinds have a thick layer of dust and are difficult to remove, buy a degreaser or dish soap. Rinse with a sponge or damp cloth and wipe the blinds dry.
  • Metal: Metal blinds tend to be more complicated because the grease sticks to the blind and creates a layer of sticky dirt. To clean blinds, mix water and alcohol and rub until the grease is gone. Dry the blinds well so that dust stains do not stick again.
  • Aluminum: If aluminum is the dominant material, you can make a homemade mixture using water and a few drops of ammonia. Do not use abrasive chemicals such as bleach or similar chemicals. Although these chemicals are excellent for other surfaces, they can damage aluminum without you even realizing it.

Also read: 5 cleaning tricks for you who do not like to clean

How to effectively clean blinds outdoors

Blinds that are exposed to weather and wind have two sides. Therefore, it is complicated to clean them on both sides if the window is on a top floor and we do not have access to it from the outside.

It is cumbersome and can be very frustrating to try to clean them properly. Therefore, many people simply decide not to clean their exterior.

If you still choose to clean them, we will give you a list of the best products to clean them safely and name the most effective way to do it. You do not have to risk your life: there are ways to clean them safely.

The key to success lies in removing the drum cover. This general structure, usually made of wood, is found where the shutter is rolled and covers the top of the window. This is usually screwed to the wall, so it is somewhat complicated to remove. However, it is the safest way to clean the blind.

After removing the drum unit, clean each section slot. This can be a tedious or entertaining job, depending on how you look at it. Make sure the blinds dry well to prevent dust from accumulating quickly.

Take advantage of the fact that you have removed the shutter to also clean the bracket in which it sits. There is generally a lot of dust inside and there may also be insects such as spiders. Do not forget to clean the frame, windows and guides in the windows.

The best tools for cleaning blinds

Woman by blinds smiling

Cleaning blinds can be difficult because it is difficult to reach the entire surface. And in the end, there will always be edges that we can not reach because they overlap.

The following are items that we suggest having available to clean them perfectly:

  • A special brush for blinds. This tool has a handle and several elongated pieces that can get into the holes.
  • Vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner easily removes the dust.
  • A microfiber cloth is important for catching dust efficiently. They neither sprinkle nor leave stains on other surfaces around the house.
  • Universal cleaning. Products that can be used to clean any type of surface in the house. For this reason, they are convenient to have on hand.
  • Dust brush. Dust brush can be your secret ally for this task. They can go between the slots and easily remove dust.

Also read: Six places in the home you forget to clean

Make your own cleaning items at home

You can also make your own cleaning items to make the job easier. Here are some ideas:

  • Connect two sponges using a powerful magnet to clean both interior and exterior blinds.
  • Tie a microfiber cloth on a mop handle to reach high places.
  • Use an old sock as a dust glove. It is more comfortable than using a cloth and allows you to get better into narrow areas.
  • Make your own cleaner for your blinds. Use ammonia, alcohol or dishwashing liquid, depending on the material of the blind. You can make it smell like herbs, essential oils or drops of lemon.

One last note on cleaning blinds

As you can see, cleaning blinds is no easy task. However, it is not impossible either. It just takes time and dedication.

Ask your family to help you so it is not so exhausting: It will be more enjoyable and fun for everyone.

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