The Best And Worst Exercises For Knee Pain

If you want to strengthen your knees without leaving home, then there are simple exercises you can do at home to become more flexible. It is important to be consistent and avoid having a sedentary lifestyle.
The best and worst exercises for knee pain

It does not matter if you are 30, 40 or 60 years old. Lack of people suffer from knee pain after or problems after getting an injury, or just from normal wear and tear. It may seem like a very simple joint, but according to joint specialists, it is one of the most complex. In today’s post you get the best and worst exercises for knee pain!

The best and worst exercises for knee pain

Your knees support your entire body weight when standing upright, they also allow you to bend and stretch your legs.

Knees consist of a fascinated complex of bones, muscles, joints, cartilage, and discs, but the slightest problem such as a collision, inflammation, or overexertion can cause immediate pain that limits your ability to perform your daily activities.

What can you do? In addition to seeking medical treatment,  are there other exercises for knee pain that can improve the flexibility and strength of your knees?

Can you ride a bike? Can you dance without having to take painkillers before performing activities that you enjoy? We will give you all the answers in today’s article.

Physical activities for people with knee pain

Experts in sports medicine have discovered that knee problems are usually associated with the lifestyle you have, whether you have disorders such as  arthritis or osteoporosis,  your level of physical activity, and sometimes even your gender.

For example,  women are at greater risk of losing bone density over time,  while their knees and other joints tend to be affected more negatively than in men.

Your knees are precision machines that are exposed to a lot over time, you need to take care of them every day. How? Via a healthy diet and getting moderate with physical exercise without overloading them too much.

What activities are best for people suffering from knee pain?

  • Swimming, especially back crawl.
  • The  elliptical machine  (but be careful, always train at a moderate level. Riding a stationary bike may not be the best alternative to an elliptical machine, while sports medical professors say that as long as your seat is high enough to take the pressure) away from the knees, then it’s fine.)
  • Can you jog or go hiking if you have knee pain? In these cases, experts say that “It is not necessary that you run to keep fit. The best thing you can do is make sure you are in good shape  before  you decide to jog or go hiking. ”
  • This means that if your knees are already sore, then do not overload them unnecessarily and risk getting more knee pain, injuries or problems.
  • If you are the kind of person who is used to walking or jogging daily, try to stop before you are completely exhausted and slow down a bit.
  • You should always choose a smooth and even terrain for your activities  so that you have you have a good traction and correct posture between your knees and hips.
  • Try to avoid walking too much around the countryside or in parks without trails, even urban areas where there are no sidewalks – any place where you can find terrain that hurts your knees. It may not be very exciting, but the safest thing for you is to use a treadmill at low speed.

Some simple exercises for knee pain you can perform at home to strengthen your knees

It is necessary that you start thinking of your knees as your body’s “shock” functions,  joints that work best with soft and precise movements, without sudden collisions.

Pain occurs when they become weak. To strengthen your knees, you should perform simple exercises at home that will keep you up and moving. Are you ready to find out what they are? Be aware!

1. Wall squats

  • Place your back against the wall with a training ball against your back.
  • Put your hands behind your head.
  • Squat down  until your knees are at a 90 degree angle and hold this pose for 10 seconds. Repeat this procedure five more times.
  • In the same position, lean forward against your toes. Return to the starting position and repeat five times. It is simple!

2. Soft lunges

  • Here’s another easy one. Get up and and extend one leg in front of the other to a lung. Bend your knee, but always with your hip in a straight position  so that it is a soft movement that does not cause you pain.
  • Change leg position and repeat this exercise five more times.

Ankle lift

  • In sports shops you can find different weights that you can attach to your ankle. What are these for? To tighten knee joints and make it more flexible.
  • To do this, sit in a chair and place a weight on an ankle. Lift your foot slowly. Do this for five minutes before switching to the other leg.

You should try to dedicate between 40 minutes to an hour to these strengthening exercises, which are easy to perform at home.

The most important thing, however, is that you avoid leading a sedentary lifestyle, as this will only cause your knees to lose their flexibility, and weaken your joints even more.

Are you ready to start today? Use the best exercises for knee pain, to get in shape.

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