The 10 Best Foods To Fight Insomnia

To combat insomnia, it is important to both eat foods that help you sleep better and avoid foods that make it harder to sleep.
The 10 best foods to fight insomnia

Do you find it harder and harder to fall asleep? Do you wake up in the early hours of the morning and can not fall asleep again? In this article, you will find the 10 best foods to fight insomnia.

So do not wait to read this article. In it we offer the best foods to combat insomnia. Add them to your diet and sleep like a baby every night.

Foods that fight insomnia.

If the problems overwhelm you and you can not fall asleep long after (or you can not fall asleep right away), we recommend that you eat the following foods. They will fight your insomnia and relax you.

Try eating them some time before going to bed to enjoy their benefits:

1. Milk

Glass of milk

A cup of warm milk is relaxing and ideal for rest. This dairy product contains tryptophan. This is a drug that soothes anxiety. You can enjoy it with a spoonful of honey.

2. Bananas

This delicious fruit is very nutritious and gives you energy. But it can also be used to fight insomnia.

Why is it? This is due to its magnesium and potassium content. These are two substances that relax your muscles. (Because of this, athletes eat bananas: this reduces or prevents seizures.)

They can be a great dessert if you want your body to produce more serotonin. This is the hormone that regulates your sleep.


Bowl with almonds

Nuts in general and almonds in particular not only give your body energy. They also give you magnesium. This element has muscle relaxing properties.

  • Because of this, they make you sleep. They also prevent or reduce your pain and cramps. Almonds also balance your blood sugar.
  • It is worth mentioning that once your glucose is balanced, your brain functions relax.
  • A handful of almonds after dinner makes you sleep all night long.

You can also choose nuts that give you healthy fats and increase your melatonin production. You should never choose nuts with sugar. This is because you do not get the desired effect (but rather the opposite).

4. Cherries

These little red fruits we eat for dessert contain melatonin. Because of this, they help you if you want to sleep.

We can also enjoy a delicious cherry juice to which you can also add nuts. If you do this, do not add sugar.

5. Whole grains

Whole grains

Not only do they allow you to sleep. These also increase the quality of your sleep. This is important if you have been suffering from insomnia for a few days.

  • You can eat a cup of yogurt with a handful of whole grains for lunch. This way, when you go to bed, your serotonin levels will be increased enough to let you sleep for several hours in a row.

6. Chamomile tea

This is an excellent natural relaxant. It can be very helpful if you have trouble sleeping.

When you drink hot chamomile tea, your body relaxes and the muscles relax. It is also very effective in reducing your levels of stress, nervousness and anxiety.

A cup of chamomile tea before going to bed is a perfect relaxer.

7. Boiled eggs

Boiled eggs

One of the reasons you wake up in the middle of the night is because of your appetite.

If you have not eaten enough for dinner (or you have skipped this meal), your stomach may start to rumble and make your insomnia worse.

To avoid this, you can eat filling foods like a boiled egg. When you get rid of your hunger, you can sleep better.

Greek yogurt

This has tryptophan, just like milk. This chemical tells your brain that it’s time to sleep. Greek yogurt also gives you calories and protein.

Unlike other traditional yogurts, it does not have as much lactose or sugar. Because of this, it is healthier.

9. Honey

Honey - bekaempe soevnloeshed

It is a great idea to add honey as a natural sweetener instead of sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Its chemical compound provides you with substances with light sleep aids. These relax your brain.

To enjoy their benefits, so sweet any tea you drink in the evening with a teaspoon of honey.

10. Popcorn

Do you ever watch a movie on your couch and enjoy some delicious popcorn?

  • So that insomnia does not attack you, we recommend that you watch animated movies, comedies or romantic movies.
  • Do not watch horror, action or science fiction because it makes your brain more alert.

Because they are rich in tryptophan, popcorn increases your serotonin production.

What foods should you avoid when you have insomnia?

You should eat these foods that relax and promote sleep. But it is also important that you avoid certain ingredients or dishes that have the opposite effect.

Above all, we recommend that you do not eat them for dinner or before going to bed:

1. Fast food

Burger and french fries - combat insomnia

Hamburgers, french fries and pizza are not good for your health or your sleep.

These are foods that are full of fat, which slows down your digestion.

  • If you suffer from heartburn, do not eat fast food for dinner.
  • If you are going to a party or a meeting where they serve this kind of food, try to wait three hours after eating to go to bed.

2. Chocolate and coffee

When it’s cold, some people go to bed on top of a cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate cake. In summer you can eat ice cream before going to bed. But none of them are good if you have problems with insomnia.

These foods have ingredients that activate your brain. They keep you alert for hours.

So chocolate and coffee should only be eaten or drunk in the afternoon.

3. Alcohol and soda

Soda - bekaempe soevnloeshed

Alcoholic and sweet drinks also affect your nervous system. They also cause dehydration and reduce brain functions.

It is not wise to drink them before going to bed

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