Ten Types Of Foods That Should Be Avoided In Relation To Blood Sugar Balance

To maintain a healthy blood sugar balance, limit or avoid consuming certain types of foods. But do you know which ones? In today’s article, we tell you about the 10 most significant.
Ten types of foods that should be avoided in relation to blood sugar balance

Diabetes is a rapidly growing disease that is actually classified as one of the most dangerous non-communicable diseases in our current world. There are currently about 415 million diabetics in the world. So it is extremely important to maintain your blood sugar balance.

There is a fine line between elevated blood sugar levels (pre-diabetes) and actually having diabetes. Thus, prevention is up to you. Read this article to learn about the ten types of foods you need to avoid in order to maintain proper blood sugar balance.

Recommendations for blood sugar balance

Changes in blood sugar can lead to either hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia. Your blood sugar levels rise when you eat carbohydrates. Because of this increase (hyperglycemia), the pancreas secretes insulin so that the cells can use this glucose.

Similarly, glucose drops below 70 mg / dl when there is an excess of insulin, leading to hypoglycaemia. This situation is also risky for your body.

Diabetes occurs when insulin secretion is normal but the cell’s insulin receptors do not function properly, forcing the pancreas to secrete more insulin.

The three basic pillars for regulating blood sugar (glycemia) are diet, physical exercise and hyperinsulinemia. To regulate your blood sugar, you need to have full control over the food you eat, so you need to establish healthy habits:

  • Drink between 6 to 8 large glasses of water a day.
  • Exercise at least 40 minutes of moderate exercise per day. day.
  • Create a diet plan.
  • Do not go without food for more than 4-5 hours.
  • Get in the habit of reading food labels.
  • Eat a diet low in saturated fat.

Also read: Two spices that may regulate your blood sugar

Avoid these ten types of foods for a healthy blood sugar balance

Current trends reveal an increase in consumption of “zero”, “easy”, “low at…”, “” without ___, “etc. All for people with one or another metabolic disorder, including those whose normal glucose levels vary.

In general, all of these foods usually contain hidden sugars. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the sugar they contain because it can lead to disturbance of the blood sugar balance.

If you are trying to maintain a proper blood sugar balance, remember to avoid certain types of foods. Many of the types of foods we mention below are often perceived as “healthy”.

1. Sauces and dressings are bad for blood sugar balance

In general, sauces and dressings are a good complement to meat and vegetables. The main problem is that most commercial brands are highly processed and contain corn syrup, fructose and other additives that alter the blood sugar balance.

Commercial sauces and dressings are over-processed products that contain hidden sugars and other additives that can lead to blood sugar imbalance.

Processed meat

This type of processed food can lead to an increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which in turn can lead to an increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Refined grains

Cereals go through a process where they lose fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to become refined grain products. The result is a type of food with a high glycemic index, which leads to a sharp rise in blood sugar.

4. Alcohol and blood sugar balance

Your liver stops producing glucose, so your blood sugar level drops when you drink alcohol. This phenomenon is quite dangerous for diabetics as it often leads to hypoglycemia.

5. Cakes

These are a source of refined flour and contain trans fatty acids. This combination is often linked to a reduction in insulin sensitivity in the body’s tissues. This in turn leads to an increased risk of diabetes.

6. Junk food

These typically contain high levels of free sugars in their composition. They also contain fats and additives that can affect your metabolism.

Also read: Do you know these six foods with a lot of toxins?

7. Overprocessed foods

All over-processed foods that have undergone high heat treatment generate toxic substances. These substances can thus create insulin resistance.

Overprocessed foods contain substances that alter your blood sugar levels

Soda or sugary drinks

Sodas contain mainly free sugars that are metabolized fairly quickly and produce a high rise in blood sugar.

9. Syrup and honey

These are a source of sugars, such as glucose and fructose, both involved in the occurrence of blood sugar control disorders.

10. Natural and commercial juices affect your blood sugar balance

While it is true that some of these commercial products contain natural sugars (fructose), the food industry tends to add other sugars, such as sucrose and corn syrup, as preservatives.

So are you trying to regulate your blood sugar balance through your diet? In that case, avoid the types of foods mentioned here. Lastly, be sure to consult a nutritionist so they can develop a diet plan that is appropriate for your particular needs.

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