Syrup With Ginger And Olive Oil For Pain Relief

If you want to stop taking painkillers, this syrup with ginger and olive oil is an ideal option to relieve pain.
Syrup with ginger and olive oil for pain relief

This syrup with ginger and olive oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve pain if you apply it externally or consume it.

This syrup with ginger and olive oil is one of the best home remedies to relieve pain, thanks to the properties of these ingredients. It is a powerful, anti-inflammatory, diuretic painkiller. Among many other benefits, it helps improve blood circulation and treat digestive problems.

Ginger is also characterized by its regenerating and aphrodisiac properties. Its roots are used to spice up several dishes. Moreover, it is sometimes used as an air freshener, due to its exquisite scent.

Minerals, vitamins and gingerol in ginger syrup

Ginger is a source of calcium, essential oils, amino acids, phosphorus and vitamins B and C, so it  boosts the immune system. Its active ingredient, gingerol, can even reduce the risk of ovarian and colon cancer. It is also a powerful, expectorant cough remedy for bronchitis, asthma, flu and other respiratory diseases.

If you want to stop taking painkillers, this syrup with ginger and olive oil is an ideal option to relieve pain. Due to its diuretic properties, it removes excess fluid in the joints, thus reducing inflammation.

Syrup with ginger for the stomach and intestines

Furthermore, ginger helps in the treatment of dyspepsia, bloating, stomach cramps and digestive problems. This syrup is perfect in cases of food poisoning, intestinal infections and even bacterial dysentery.

Syrup with ginger and olive oil to relieve pain

hand holding on to ginger


  • 1 cup very fresh ginger (150 g)
  • 1 cup olive oil (250 ml)


  • First,  wash the ginger thoroughly, and then let it dry for two hours.
  • Next, pour the olive oil on a frying pan.
  • Cut the ginger into slices and grate it with the peel.
  • Next, place the ginger on the frying pan with the olive oil, and  mix it well. 
  • Preheat the oven to  150 ° C.
  • Next,  bake the mixture for two hours. 
  • Once the mixture has cooled, pour it through a cloth strainer to remove the ginger pieces. Say this until there is no oil left in the fabric.
  • Store the syrup in a cool, dry place. It can  last up to six months. 

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Several options with this syrup with ginger and olive oil

It is important to measure the dose of this syrup with ginger and olive oil for pain relief, which will depend on the disorder.

Ginger oil can help when you are suffering from several conditions. Furthermore, its odor repels mosquitoes and other insects that spread diseases.

Rheumatoid arthritis and muscle pain

older woman massaging her palm

To revitalize the mind and body, you can consume two or three drops a day. If you want to relieve rheumatoid arthritis or muscle or back pain,  you can massage two or three drops on the affected area. 

We also recommend that you take three drops a day.

Also read: Apple cider vinegar against sinus infection

From bloating to bronchitis

  • If you have diarrhea or flatulence,  you can massage a drop on your stomach.
  • If you have a sore throat or sinusitis, we recommend inhaling three drops through a diffuser. This syrup can help fight bronchitis, asthma, cough, dyspnoea and flu. It can also help remove mucus from the lungs and throat.
  • For beauty, you can apply three drops on the affected area. It will help  reduce the visibility of wrinkles and stretch marks. The regenerating properties of ginger repair damaged skin.

The fight against cholesterol and high blood pressure

Ingestion of this syrup with ginger and olive oil  minimizes the risk of high blood pressure. It also helps fight the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, and reduces the risk of blood clots and arteriosclerosis. Therefore, it is ideal for treating heart disease.

However, it has many more benefits. The habit of taking between two and four drops of ginger oil a day can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Countless benefits of this syrup with ginger and olive oil

As you can see, ginger has many benefits. It is a powerful, natural cure that can be used to treat many different conditions. The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals in its roots make it an ideal health ally.

Having this syrup with ginger and olive oil left at home, which can help relieve pain, will be a good health measure. You can make it in a safe environment at home, with frequently used tools and ingredients that are easy to find.

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