Six Practical Abdominal Muscle Exercises You Can Do On The Living Room Floor

Combining different abdominal exercises ensures a complete workout and an effective routine without having to go to the gym or use special equipment.
Six practical abdominal muscle exercises you can do on the living room floor

It can be difficult to train at home if you lack inspiration and motivation. In this article, we will tell you about six practical abdominal muscle exercises you can do at home on the living room floor.

Six practical abdominal muscle exercises that you can easily do on the living room floor

1. Planken,

The plank is one of the best and most practical abdominal muscle exercises. You do not need to do repetitions, just maintain a proper posture. This exercise is a challenge as you have to test your will and put your resilience to the test.

  • This exercise consists of putting your legs in an extended position and placing you in an arm bend position, resting your elbows on the floor and keeping them at the same height as your shoulders.
  • It’s about tightening your stomach and keeping it tight. The longer you hold on, the better.
  • This exercise can be supplemented with arm bends if you like. In this way, it is quite useful to work from home.
The plank.

2. Russian terms

To perform this exercise, lie on the floor with your face toward the ceiling. Keep your feet close together and stretch your arms.

  • Once this is done, turn the torso as far to the right as possible. Then hold for a few seconds.
  • Then repeat on the opposite side.
  • You need to repeat the exercise two and three times. You can combine it with other exercises to create a complete routine.

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The climber

This routine involves almost all the muscles in your body and can be part of your cardiovascular exercise routines as it increases the number of heartbeats per day. minute.

  • When you start, place yourself in a position to make a bend. Gather your hands under your shoulders and keep your body completely straight.
  • Next, tense your abdominal muscles and move your knees forward.
  • Repeat the procedure from the starting position, but with the other knee.

With this exercise you will see a big difference and your body will appreciate it.

4. Saxon fountain

  • To perform this exercise, lie on your back and place your hands on the floor.
  • Place your hands under your buttocks. Then start raising one leg without separating your arms.
  • Then lift both legs and raise them in the air for a few minutes.

The main purpose of this exercise is to create a right angle between the two legs. It is important that you do not bend your knees and keep your legs up in the air.

Hold the position in the air for a few seconds. Then try to perform between 25 and 30 repetitions each time.

5. Spider arm bends


This exercise consists of bending the arms. Then try to touch your elbow with your knee at the same time.

The name comes from the complicated movements you have to make to achieve it. But it is really useful in open spaces and allows you to develop the muscles in your stomach in a fun way.

Also read: 5 good reasons to do arm bends every day

6. Seed kick

Seed kick is one of the best practical abdominal muscle exercises. They train the middle and upper abdomen, which are undoubtedly two of the most difficult areas to tone.

  • To make it, support yourself with your buttocks and hands on the floor.
  • Then lift your legs, with your knees bent.
  • Then pull the legs back and forth.
  • The point of union will be your stomach. This is where you should feel the pressure and excitement of the exercise for it to be effective.
  • You need to do 10 to 20 repetitions.
Exercise ball.


In addition to putting these six exercises into practice, you need to be aware that in order to achieve effective results, you need to be consistent and train regularly.

In addition, do not forget the importance of following a healthy diet if you really want to achieve results. Only the combination of both will make your efforts pay off.

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