“Sisu “, The Fantastic Finnish Strategy For Difficult Times

During World War II, the Finns – who were fewer than the Russians – stoically resisted and thus gave name to the concept
"Sisu", the fantastic Finnish strategy for difficult times

Life can hit us hard countless times. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have a strategy for difficult times. An example is Sisu.

We all know that  no one is immune to adversity. Although no one has taught us how, we are genetically and biologically prepared to deal with it.

Humans have come to where they are today, thanks to  three “magical” qualities: endurance, resilience, and courage.

We have all come to our current situation by dealing with more than one challenge, more than one loss and hundreds of problems.

Therefore, all the effort and  every challenge we have overcome are victories we can be proud of.

In addition to the techniques we already know to deal with adversity, however, it is always exciting to know how other cultures are responding to change.

Today we want to talk about the Finns. These people from a very cold climate have a very warm heart and a strong and battle-ready mind… So much so that their fearless soul can be summed up in one amazing word: Sisu.

In this article, we will look at what that means.

In difficult times, brave souls

Text about Sisu

Today  , Finland is for many an ideal country  because of its excellent and inspiring social policy and its low level of corruption.

The Finnish economy is also one of the most developed and it is a very democratic country.

In addition to this inspiring social model, however, there is their brave personality. It is the one that is part of the story when Russia declared war on Finland in November 1939.

The confrontation between Finland and Russia is without a doubt one of the most fascinating conflicts in history.

Finland had a little more than 800,000 soldiers compared to more than 2 million Russian soldiers. In addition, they fought in a country that was not very different from Almighty Russia.

The Finns, however, resisted stoically. In fact, so much so that – after a few years of fighting – they declared peace, leaving a single word: “Sisu”.

Sisu, the  potential you have inside

Person on rock and text about Sisu

Sometimes,  however, adversity causes it to be awakened  and we give it life. We use it to persevere, resist and overcome. That is exactly what the Finns did in World War II.

To this day, it continues to be their cry for courage and the reminder they carry in their hearts to  never give up, no matter how hard it is.

Below you will learn how to practice it yourself.

The 5 Keys to Dealing with Adversity According to the Finns and Sisu

Leaves lie on snow

Control stress and do not let fear dominate you

In difficult times, it is important to  deal with anxiety and stress.

If we let negative emotions crush us, we will be no more than a branch fighting the wind, and we will end up breaking.

We will always need to be able to  control our fears, rationalize our panic, and control stressful emotions.

2. Hold out

Perseverance is a trait that is less common in today’s world. That’s because we are impatient and because we want everything right now or as soon as possible.

However, people who have “Sisu” are patient, accept frustration and are creative. They wait for appropriate times and  evolve step by step, without surrender and without ever giving up.

3. Be honest

Respect for oneself and for others is essential for the Finns.

Everyone cares about others because they  understand that it is by working together that we survive. Respecting and caring for each other gives us all a better quality of life. Remember it.

4. Learn how to resolve small disputes so you will be able to resolve the big ones

People with “Sisu” do not run away from problems; they handle them  and come up with solutions.

Conflict is a part of this life, and learning to solve basic problems will help us deal with more complex problems that we may encounter.

5. Be resilient today, tomorrow and always

Resistance is a sign of a brave and wise soul who has learned to deal with the difficulties of life in order to develop and become another: a person who is strong and brave.

“Sisu”  is very resistant… So much so that for many it will mean almost the same thing. It is a sign of something that we sooner or later learn from life, and we must then apply in practice.

Overall, the things that make up the Finns’ way of dealing with problems are not completely unknown.

Let’s learn from them. Let them be our daily inspiration. Let us apply this strategy to deal with difficult times to conquer our islands of sorrow and turn them into beautiful landscapes of joy.

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