Recipe For Pineapple And Ginger Smoothie

Pineapple and ginger are the perfect blend. The sweetness of the pineapple and the strong taste of the ginger compliment each other and are satisfying for the sweet tooth. Here is a recipe for pineapple and ginger smoothie.
Recipe for pineapple and ginger smoothie

Ginger and pineapple are not just something most of us think of mixing together in a smoothie. Both have a special taste, which is very different from each other. In this article you will get a recipe for pineapple and ginger smoothie.

But ginger and pineapple actually taste really good together. The sweet and the strong fit well together and give a smoothie that has personality and which is really delicious.

You can drink it as a snack between meals with your lunch or you can make it with your friends when you feel like a cozy day on the terrace.

Remember that you should never replace your meals with this or any other smoothie. Although it is full of vitamins, it also contains a lot of sugar that is naturally found in pineapple.

Before we explain how to make the smoothie, here are a few interesting facts about ginger and pineapple.

You did not know that about pineapple

pineapple and ginger smoothie

Pineapple contains dietary fiber and vitamin C, and then it tastes super good. Pineapple, however, is sometimes a bit expensive, but that is quite understandable. For it can actually take up to three years for a single pineapple to ripen.

Pineapple has an intense, sweet taste that can help satisfy the sweet tooth. Keep in mind, however, that there is fructose in pineapple that can cause a fluctuation in your blood sugar.

  • Pineapple has the fifth highest water content among fruits. It has about 87% water in its net weight. This means that it is a source of fluid.
  • Finally , pineapple contains an anti-inflammatory enzyme called bromelain that is good for your digestion.

You did not know that about ginger


Ginger is an amazing root vegetable with many interesting properties. It has almost no calories, but is used more as a spice than as actual food.

  • Ginger has a satisfying taste and gives a slight burning sensation in the throat that can be relieved on, for example, colds and sore throats. The strong taste can also help you feel full.
  • Ginger stimulates digestion and can prevent constipation.
  • Ginger has been shown to be mildly analgesic and may also help relieve motion sickness and nausea, but is not recommended for pregnant women with morning sickness.

Ginger has many benefits besides the amazing taste. Fresh, organic ginger in particular is really delicious.

Recipe for pineapple and ginger smoothie

Pineapple smoothie

It’s super easy to follow this recipe for pineapple and ginger smoothie. You only need to use quite a few ingredients and it does not take long to make so you can make it in no time anytime you want.

There are also chia seeds in the smoothie, which provide a little extra dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and protein. The antioxidants in chia seeds fight free radicals and prevent cell damage.

Chia seeds contain dietary fiber so they will make the smoothie more filling and help regulate your digestion.


  • 150g fresh pineapple
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger (5 g)
  • 250ml water
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds (15 g)

Course of action

  • Pour all the ingredients onto a blender or juicer.
  • Blend at high speed until you have a smooth smoothie.
  • Pour the smoothie into a glass and drink it immediately.

You can sweeten the smoothie with a little honey if you find the pineapple too sour. However, we do not recommend it. Ginger usually balances the acidity.

You should drink this pineapple and ginger smoothie right after you make it. Pineapple oxidizes over time, so it tastes best when fresh.

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