Properties Of Lemon And Natural Remedies

Lemon helps with digestion and stimulates liver functions. Among other things, it promotes the excretion of toxins, which prevents the formation of kidney stones.
Properties of lemon and natural remedies

Lemons belong to the group known as citrus fruits and are highly valued for their health benefits. Do you not believe it? In this article we will explain the health properties of lemon and some natural remedies made with this fruit.

Properties of lemon

Lemon is known for its taste and use in gastronomy throughout the world. It comes (logically) from the lemon tree, which is a perennial and aromatic tree from the genus citrus. It is native to Asia but now grows in tropical and subtropical regions.

Lemons contain a high concentration of vitamin C and citric acid,  which directly affects the properties of lemon. They also provide good amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Lemons are used for sweet and savory dishes  as well as for making beverages. In addition, the juice can be used to purify water and prevent the growth of some microorganisms, making lemons perfect for natural remedies. The leaves can be used to give scent in rooms and on furniture, and the wood is even appreciated for its use in carpentry.

But did you know that lemon also has many health benefits?

5 health properties of lemon

Lemon tea on table

1. Antiseptic and disinfectant

This fruit is a natural antiseptic  that can be used to disinfect wounds. It prevents the spread of harmful microorganisms and also helps to speed up the healing of the skin.

2. It protects the cardiovascular system and blood circulation

Who would have thought that lemons help prevent cardiovascular disease? Intake of lemon provides many antioxidants that promote healthy heart function and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. At the same time, it promotes blood circulation, reduces blood pressure and can help prevent blood clots.

3. It protects the liver, kidneys, bladder and digestive system

Lemons help digestion and stimulate liver functions. Among other things, it promotes the excretion of toxins, which prevents the formation of kidney stones. Its nutrients stimulate the strengthening of the immune system.

4. Joint pain and inflammation

Citric acid is an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant just like other acid components. Because of this, essential lemon oil is an excellent remedy for tendonitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis and other joint diseases.

5. Protection of skin, hair and nails

Components in lemon have been used in various cosmetic products. The antioxidant effect of vitamin C stimulates cellular regeneration, collagen formation and the establishment of calcium.

Because of this, this fruit helps fight skin aging and strengthens nails and hair simply by applying a few drops of lemon juice on them. Do not forget to rinse with copious amounts of water.

When applied topically, it definitely helps to cleanse the skin, exfoliate it and restore its glow. It is known as the perfect remedy for oily, dull skin  due to its properties and effects on the skin.

As a last resort, we would like to recommend two useful remedies made with lemon.

Natural remedies that take advantage of the amazing properties of lemon

Natural remedies to fight sore throat

Honey and lemons

Flavonoids, which are antioxidant components in lemon, help reduce inflammation in the throat. At the same time  , honey also has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.


  • Lemon juice from half a lemon.
  • 1 teaspoon honey.
  • 250 ml of water.


Bring the water to a boil. Put honey and lemon in a large cup. Add the hot water, stir and drink it immediately. Use this remedy as often as you need.

A natural mask to treat acne

This mask helps you cleanse your skin effectively. Be sure to do a test on a  less sensitive area to make sure the mixture is not too aggressive for you.


  • 2 tablespoons clay.
  • Juice from half a lemon.
  • 2 drops of essential mint oil.
  • 1 drop of tea tree oil.


Put clay and lemon juice in a cup. Add two drops of essential mint oil and one drop of tea tree oil. Mix it thoroughly and apply the mask on your forehead, nose and chin. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

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