Prevent Stomach Ulcers With Potato And Banana Smoothies

In addition to preventing stomach ulcers, this mixture of banana and potato can keep track of stomach pH and reduce acid regurgitation.
Prevent stomach ulcers with potato and banana smoothies

Gastric ulcers are  open sores that form in the inner walls of the stomach and the upper parts of the small intestine. Fortunately, you can prevent stomach ulcers with surprisingly tasty potatoes and banana smoothies.

Basically, stomach ulcers occur due to the bacterium H. Pylori, as well as irritation caused by prolonged use of of certain drugs.

First, you may experience abdominal pain.  This can then be followed by acid regurgitation, swelling or other indigestion.

Of course, stomach ulcers are not always a serious problem, but it is important to be aware of them. Only then can you avoid complications such as infections and bleeding.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies for stomach ulcers. This is of course due to the properties of ingredients that neutralize acid.

In this regard, we would like to show you a potato and banana smoothie. It is perfect for reducing acidity. In addition, it enhances the healing of the affected lining of the stomach.

Do not hesitate to try it!

Potato and banana smoothies for stomach ulcers

Let’s try to combine the digestive benefits of potato juice with the nutrients in bananas. That way, we can make an effective antidote to the burning sensation and discomfort of stomach ulcers.

These ingredients neutralize excessive acid. Basically, that acid comes from excessive production of intestinal acid. In turn, it helps rebuild damaged mucous membranes.

The benefits of potatoes

Potatoes that are peeled

Potato juice is one of the best natural remedies to alleviate the complications of an imbalance in stomach acid.

  • When you combine the light fiber content, antioxidants and minerals,  digestion is optimized and the irritation of the intestinal mucosa is reduced.
  • It contains alkaline salt, which helps regulate inflammation, by speeding up the healing process in the affected stomach wall.
  • It is perfect for reducing acid reflux and burning sensation in the abdominal region.

The benefits of bananas

Bananas are fruits that are rich in starch and antioxidant constituents which, when absorbed into the body, help to  balance the pH value of the stomach.

  • It is an important source of fiber which improves the digestion of fatty foods and prevents them from decomposing in the intestinal tract.
  • It neutralizes the acid caused by an unbalanced pH in the stomach, and reduces the development of lesions and ulcers in the layer that protects the stomach.
  • It contains vitamins and minerals that  are essential for the healing of damaged tissue parts.
  • Stops discomfort due to stomach acid and intestinal inflammation.

How do I make potato and banana smoothies?

Bananas and juice

When making this smoothie,  it is best to use a potato that is not fully ripe and has no sprouts. It is also best to use an unripe banana as they have more starch and flavonoids.


  • 1 potato
  • 1 green banana
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • Wash the potato thoroughly, remove the peel and cut it into small pieces
  • Run it in the blender until it turns into a juice.
  • Cut the green banana into smaller pieces and put it in the blender with the potato juice.
  • Put half a glass of water in to make it liquid, and let it run for a moment until everything is well mixed.

This is how it should be ingested

  • Prepare the shake in the morning and drink it 30 minutes before breakfast.
  • Repeat the intake every day until you see progress.

How do I know if I have a stomach ulcer?

Woman with stomach ache - banana smoothies

The most prominent symptom of stomach ulcers is  pain in the abdominal region. The severity may vary depending on the severity of the injuries, and the production of acid in the stomach.

The discomfort is often accompanied by:

  • The sting in the upper abdominal region
  • Heartburn or acid regurgitation
  • Sensation of satiety
  • Flatulence or bloating
  • Trouble with fatty foods
  • Nausea and vomiting

As these symptoms can also be caused by other diseases  , it is important to see your doctor to get a correct diagnosis.

Tests that examine stomach ulcers can be:

  • Laboratory test for Heliobacter bacterium
  • X-rays of the upper intestinal tract
  • An upper endoscopy
  • A hemoglobin test to check for anemia

Prevent stomach ulcers with natural banana smoothies, but visit your doctor if in doubt.

Remember to always go to the doctor with stomach ulcers. They can cause serious problems if they do not get the right treatment.

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