Personality: Are You Visual, Kinesthetic Or Auditory?

How do you relate to your surroundings? Do you have a kinesthetic, visual or auditory personality?
Personality: Are you visual, kinesthetic or auditory?

As most people already know, man has five senses that he uses to relate to the world around him:  smell, taste, touch, sight and sound. In general, we tend to use one or two senses more than the others to communicate with our surroundings and get information from them. Want to know what sense you use the most and what personality you have from it? Read here.

How do you relate to the world?

This theory is based on neurolinguistic programming, which states that the world we live in is experienced differently from person to person.  Each of us understands the world through the sense we use most, depending on our personality.

It is an interesting perspective that is worth keeping in mind, to understand oneself a little better. It is possible to use more than one of the five senses. It is also interesting that this perspective has to do with the dominance of your brain, which means that for example, there are people who use the left side of their brain more and therefore are more likely to use logic and have a greater need for order.

On the other hand, if you mostly use the right side of the brain, you are more creative, flexible and innovative. Neurolinguistic psychology deals with these areas to find out how people interpret the world around them. Want to know what your natural tendency is? Let’s take a look and find out if you are a visual, kinesthetic or auditory person.

1. Visual personality


Are you one of those people who needs absolute silence when reading or studying? It is very normal for people with a more visual dominance to need silence in order to concentrate. It is also possible that when driving, you listen to relaxing music to feel good, but if you are looking for a specific address or need to pay more attention, you will choose to turn off the radio to be more calm and focused.

This type of people have lots of energy and are extremely observant. They appreciate detail and almost never miss anything. When they need to remember things, it is easier for them to remember pictures, which is why, for example, they need notes to help them. They like parks or forests to relax and for their tranquility.

2. Auditory personality

Do you tend to say out loud what you think? Some people might be surprised by this slightly special habit, but in fact there are many people who do. You say things out loud, speak to yourself and are thus also able to better air your thoughts and get a handle on them. If you have an auditory personality, it is also common to like listening to other people. In this way, for example, you can remember things better, ie by only listening to one person speak, without writing down much.

There are also people with very expressive personalities who have good communication skills. They know how to express themselves in a good way and also like to listen to others. They do not miss anything and are, for example, able to follow a conversation and listen to music at the same time. Unlike visual people, who have difficulty concentrating when there are many stimuli around them, auditory people are able to do many things at the same time.

Kinesthetic personality


What are your hobbies? Do you like working with your hands? Are you a good cook? Do you build things with your hands or work outside? Do you have a garden and like to plant things and make them grow? Do you like sports? If so, you most likely have a kinesthetic personality.

According to neurolinguistic programming, kinesthetic people, although peaceful, have a hand in emotions and especially anything that has to do with physical or manual things. These are the kind of people who like to experience things for themselves, instead of hearing about how to do it. Their expressiveness translates into their enjoyment of hugs, cuddles and even eating. They are intimate people who generally do not have much interest in capturing the details of their surroundings, unlike visual people. They are more spontaneous and less introspective and observant.

Last but not least…

We can end this article by saying that it is very possible that one is a percentage of each type. This is normal, but it is certain that one will be able to identify more with one of them. Visual people, for example, are a little more relaxed than auditory or kinesthetic people, where the latter in turn is a little more restless and less reflective.

Of course, we all have a bit of every personality type in us, but the interesting thing about the perspective in neurolinguistic programming is that it provides an exciting insight into how to understand reality. It is also closely related to the individual personality: whether one is calm or more concerned, reflective or not, likes to express oneself or is more observant and introverted. Your lifestyle is closely related to your personality type, to the pleasure of seeing, touching, experiencing and communicating.

Now you know a little more about why you express yourself in relation to the world. Are you visual, auditory or kinesthetic?

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