Perfect Tricks To Boost Your Memory

The brain has about a hundred billion neurons that, when connected to each other, form an amazing network of enormous complexity. Learn how to maximize your brain with these incredible memory tips and tricks.
Perfect tricks to boost your memory

Humans think of themselves as being far better than animals. But some birds can remember the exact place where they deposited their seeds several months earlier… And we forget almost every aspect of our daily lives. In this article you will get the perfect tricks to boost your memory!

The brain has about a hundred billion neurons that, when connected to each other, form an amazing network of enormous complexity.

This huge connection is what makes memory possible, along with the ability to process and retain a lot of information.

Today we are going to see some tips to improve your memory.

Woman with poor memory
  • Stress is one of the biggest enemies against your memory. During stressful periods, relax, close your eyes, take deep breaths, and recover from what you were doing at the time you are trying to remember.
  • Taking breaks while you study is another great tactic to remember things and embed what you are learning.
  • If you study and want to remember everything, try using pictures and schedules. It will make it much easier to remember.
  • Memory is always associated with emotions, and thereby receives stimuli from them.
  • Why do so-called “memory failures” occur? Usually they happen because you are not paying attention.
  • Taking notes or writing down key points can help cement an idea in your mind as you write it down. It is also helpful to review everything at a later date.
Man with poor memory
  • When you do not understand a concept or an idea, it makes it harder to remember. When you make an effort to understand it, however, a relationship is established between the elements that make up a concept and that relationship unites and combines them with a logical set.
  • You can classify similar concepts to remember them better. For example, you can split your to-do list with things to do at home, work, leisure activities, and so on. This information can be grouped into blocks or ordered items, even alphabetically if you wish.
  • It can also be very helpful to say things out loud. When you utter a word, you force yourself to remember how it is said, and it creates a memory thread from it.
  • When you learn something new, connect it with what you already know. If you associate new ideas with stored memories, it is much easier to code and retrieve this information because the association gives you a clue.
  • For example, if you will code a person’s name to your memory, for example, you can relate it to something of their appearance or something else you come to mind. Although the association may not be very logical, it will be easier to remember.
  • How can you consolidate the things you already know? One of the best techniques is to review what you have learned by explaining it to another person.

Are you still looking for more tricks? Check out these interesting tricks:

Tricks to increase your memory

Young woman with poor memory

1. The length of words and numbers

This is an ideal rule for remembering long numbers. Replace each number with a word that contains the number of letters and you will form a sentence.

The longer the number, the more effective this trick is on your memory.

2. Fable trick

The key here is to invent a story that integrates the concepts or ideas that you want to remember.

Your mind can remember a story much better than individual words.

3. The chain

This is similar to the previous trick. Your brain recreates stories or absurdities much better than more logical ideas.

To remember a list or a concept, invent a story consisting of words that do not make sense.

4. The first letter

The first letter of the word you want to remember can be used to construct a very simple sentence.

Choosing smart or ironic words makes it easier to remember. You can also invent a new word consisting of the initials you will remember for later.

5. The place rule

This technique is based on the union of a place and a known route.

For example, when trying to remember where things are located in your house, you can mentally sort the objects by the spaces where they belong.

Try these tricks. You will be amazed at how well they can help boost your memory!

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