Never Reheat These 7 Foods

Many foods release toxins when reheated. It is better to use them in salads or cold dishes to avoid health risks.
Never reheat these 7 foods

In your home, you are more likely to follow the rule of not letting food go to waste. Every day, tons of food are thrown away, while people in other parts of the world go hungry and do not get enough nutrition. It is always recommended: store food in the refrigerator and reheat it a day or two later so it does not end up in the trash.

However, not many people are aware that  there are some foods that you should never reheat  because they can cause health problems. Do you know what foods it is?

Never reheat the following foods:


Chicken is one of the most commonly refrigerated foods because it retains well and retains its flavor after being reheated. However, chicken should be eaten freshly cooked or cold.

Although you may not be able to see it, reheated chicken changes protein composition, which can lead to digestive problems. If it is not eaten immediately after cooking, it can be reheated, but only at low temperatures.


Never reheat mushrooms

There are so many different ways to cook them and reheating them sounds like a good idea. However, they are best eaten freshly cooked when they still have their good properties and healthy benefits. 

If you have a piece left over, it is better to eat them cold. Mushrooms also undergo compositional changes when reheated and can cause abdominal pain and bloating.


Potatoes  are full of nutrients and although they can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days, you should  never reheat  them. Reheating changes their taste, their properties and can even make them toxic.

The best thing to do with leftover potatoes is to use them in purees or cold salads.

Never reheat spinach


This green vegetable is recommended in your diet, but  you should not reheat this food because it contains a lot of nitrate, which when exposed to high temperatures is converted to nitrite. Nitrite  is not healthy and can have serious effects on your health. You should always eat spinach fresh.


Beetroot also contains nitrates, which become harmful nitrite when reheated. This is another food that you should avoid reheating if you do not want health problems. In fact, in  order to get the most out of beets, they should be eaten in salads or smoothies.

Preferably do not reheat celery

Celery soup

If your soup contains celery, avoid reheating it to prevent damage to your body. As with the above foods, celery contains nitrate, which is converted to nitrite when reheated.

This means that it can turn into a potential  cancer diet  when reheated. Therefore,  you should try to take the celery out of the soup before reheating it.

Do not reheat eggs

Eggs do not usually reheat because it changes their aroma and taste. But for that matter, it is important to know that reheating eggs can be detrimental to your health, as the compounds they contain can become toxic when exposed to high temperatures.

How can I safely reheat food?


Although the above foods should never be reheated, it does not mean that you can not reheat other leftovers.

To reheat food safely, keep these following tips in mind:

  • Reheating must be done quickly to bring the temperature up to 65 ° C in the center of the food.
  • Reheat only the amount you are going to eat.
  • Cooked foods should not come in contact with raw foods to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Remember that all ingredients are different and are not reheated in the same way. When reheating more than one type of food, cover them so they will be heated evenly.
  • If you do not think you will be able to eat the food within 4 days, it is better to freeze it.

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