Natural Ways To Prevent Glaucoma

Cataracts are an eye disease caused by excessive pressure inside the eye. The pressure destroys the fibers in the optic nerve and causes it to change.
Natural ways to prevent glaucoma

Most patients do not show symptoms in the early stages of the disease. But over time, they will experience things such as progressive vision loss. In this article we will give you some natural ways to prevent glaucoma.

This article will explain how to prevent glaucoma naturally.

What is worth knowing about glaucoma

Very many people suffer from this disease (about 2% of the population over the age of 40) and it is one of the causes of irreparable vision loss.

There are two types of glaucoma:

Acute glaucoma

This type of glaucoma reduces the angle of the cornea and the lower part of the iris. The intraocular pressure rises, the pupils dilate, the eyes turn red, and symptoms such as intense pain and visual disturbances can be experienced.

Open-angle glaucoma

This type of glaucoma develops slowly and only affects vision little by little. It is more common than acute glaucoma and the symptoms are less obvious.

Man examining his eyes

Cataracts can be congenital, but can also develop later in life. The hereditary type usually appears between birth and the age of three, while the non-hereditary type either shows up in childhood or much later when one reaches around the age of 40.

In addition, it can cause other diseases such as cataracts, vitreous hemorrhages and other traumas. The disease may also require surgery.

To diagnose glaucoma, doctors use many techniques and tests. The goal is to determine the intraocular pressure and see if the leader of the optic nerve shows signs of excision or not:

  • Heidelberg Retina tomograph (HRT)
  • Pachymetry (measures the thickness of the cornea)
  • High resolution sonogram (examines the structure of the eye)
  • Gonioscopy (measures the angle between the iris and the cornea)
  • Slit lamp and biomicroscope (enlarges the view of the optic nerve head)
  • Applanation tonometry (measures the fluid pressure in the eye)
  • Field of view test (peripheral vision test)
Vision test

You have a particularly high risk of suffering from glaucoma if you:

  • Are Africans or Asians
  • Is over 60 years old
  • Suffering from a chronic illness (diabetes, low metabolism or high blood pressure)
  • Has a family history of glaucoma
  • Suffers from eye damage or myopia
  • Take corticosteroids

How can you naturally prevent glaucoma?

It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and consult with an optometrist once a year. It makes it possible to prevent or diagnose diseases, but it may be good to take other precautions as well. For example, you can do the following:

Lower your insulin levels

It is especially important for diabetics to be aware of their blood sugar level, but that does not mean that it is not also vitgigt for the rest of us. Everyone should avoid large amounts of sugar and other foods that increase blood sugar and thus also insulin levels.

To prevent cataract outbreaks, it would be a good idea to reduce the following foods to a minimum:

  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • White rice
  • Refined grain
  • Sweets
  • Potatoes

Exercise regularly

Is one of the best ways to reduce insulin and high blood pressure is by exercising.

Any form of physical activity two or three times a week is essential for maintaining good eye health and avoiding glaucoma. You can choose any activity you want as long as you do it regularly.

Elderly couple running

Eat lutein

This nutrient is a “visual enhancer”. It acts as an antioxidant and protects the cells from damage caused by free radicals. Another of its compounds that is worth eating is zeaxanthin, which has similar properties.

Both lutein and zeaxanthin are found in:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Egg
  • Brussel sprouts

Avoid fat

Unfortunately, there is way too much fat in much of the food available today. One of the many problems with trans fatty acids is that they interfere with the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy and important for eye health.

Too many fats contribute to macular degeneration. The foods we should avoid are:

  • Butter
  • French fries
  • Pastries
  • Hamburgers
  • Processed products

Eat berries

Red fruits such as blueberries and cranberries are great for taking care of your eyesight. They can also prevent diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts.

This is due to their high content of flavonoids, which also give them their red color. The flavonoids strengthen the capillaries, muscles and optic nerve.

Mixed bear - green star

That said, we need to take into account that berries also contain a lot of sugar and can raise our insulin levels. Therefore, we recommend eating them in moderation – no more than a handful a day.

Other interesting and useful tips that can help you prevent or slow down the outbreak of glaucoma are:

  • Avoid activities that require a lot of pressure on your eyes
  • Always wear sunglasses, even in winter and on cloudy days
  • Do not drink alcohol in excessive amounts
  • Do not smoke
  • Keep your caffeine intake to a minimum
  • Eat a diet rich in vitamins A and C.
  • Sleep well every night

It is also important to take care of your eyes. Avoid sitting in front of the computer screen all day. Get up for every hour you spend in front of a screen, rest your eyes and look at something else. A professional optometrist can also help you find a pair of glasses for you with smooth transition.

This way, your vision will be less tired and there will be less risk of a pressure rise inside the eye.

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