Natural Remedies That Relieve Muscle Pain

You can quickly relieve your muscle pain by combining topical and oral remedies. You also need to remember to stretch your muscles before and after any physical activity.
Natural remedies that relieve muscle pain

Muscle pain is common and can involve more than one muscle. They can also involve ligaments, tendons and fascia, which are the soft tissues that connect muscles, bones and organs. We show you some natural remedies that relieve muscle pain today.

Muscle pain is often closely associated with tension, overload, or muscle damage from exercise or physical activity. Muscle pain involves specific muscles and occurs during or just after exercise.

They can also be signs of diseases that affect the whole body. For example, some infections (including flu) and disorders that affect connective tissue throughout the body, such as lupus, can cause a lot of pain.

A common cause of muscle pain is fibromyalgia, a disease that causes tenderness in the muscles and surrounding soft tissues, as well as difficulty sleeping, fatigue and headaches. Thanks to a variety of medicinal plants, you can treat these symptoms at home in a very effective and natural way.

Rosemary and alcohol, to relieve muscle pain

Rosemary is a very effective means of relaxing the muscles. It thus relieves cramps and pain associated with physical exercise.


  • 3 glasses of isopropyl alcohol (700 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons dried rosemary leaves (45 g)

Course of action

  • Fill a bottle with isopropyl alcohol and add the rosemary leaves.
  • Let it soak for 24 hours, and strain the rosemary leaves from the alcohol.
    Apply this rosemary-alcohol blend to your muscles with some gentle massage treatments. Let it evaporate by itself.

Kiwi and banana shake that relieves muscle pain

Muscle pain often worsens due to lack of potassium. In these cases banana is an excellent natural remedy to relieve this pain because this fruit contains a lot of potassium.

Potassium is the third most common mineral in the human body, and it plays an important role in nerve and muscle function. It also regulates the amount and distribution of water in the body.

Kiwi is high in vitamin C and potassium, which are two very important nutrients:

Vitamin C is considered to be a natural antioxidant. It protects cells and DNA from the oxidative damage caused by free radicals formed when energy is produced. In addition, potassium also facilitates iron absorption in the body. Its antioxidant properties prevent muscle damage.


  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)
  • 2 kiwis


  • Peel a squash, grate it and slice the bananas and kiwis.
  • Blend both ingredients for 4 minutes.
  • Drink the shake (without saying it) before exercising or doing any other activity that requires physical effort.

Melon, lemon and grape juice that relieves muscle pain

melon juice for muscle pain

This juice is excellent for naturally treating muscle pain. Combining these 3 fruits gives your body a lot of potassium, which helps relieve muscle aches and cramps that you may experience during or after physical activity.


  • 1 slice of melon
  • 2 squeezed lemons
  • 6 grapes
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • Blend the melon slice, the 2 squeezed lemons and grapes for 4 minutes until you get a homogeneous liquid without lumps in it.
  • Pour the contents into a glass and drink. It is important to drink this juice before performing sports or other activity that requires physical effort.

Apple cider vinegar for muscle pain

apple cider vinegar for muscle pain

Muscle pain affects people of all ages and can develop due to many causes. Some of the most common causes are poor posture, certain injuries, obesity, pregnancy or heavy lifting.

Apple cider vinegar is high in potassium, so it is also very suitable for treating muscle cramps. As mentioned above, potassium deficiency is the main cause of these pains.


  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (30 ml)
  • 500ml hot water

Course of action

  • Mix both ingredients and drink.
  • Depending on what you like best, you can drink it either before or after exercise.

Good stretching and warming up also relieves muscle pain. Remember to warm up before doing any physical activity, to prevent severe muscle pain and cramps.

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