Natural Remedies For Migraines In Children

Migraines in children are disabling and can lead to symptoms in addition to a violent headache. Although medical treatments are needed, some natural remedies can help relieve it.
Natural remedies for migraines in children

Some natural remedies help relieve the symptoms of migraines in children. According to  information published in the  Migraine Research Foundation  , this disorder affects up to 10% of school-age children. In addition, it is just as disabling as migraines that affect adults.

Its symptoms may include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and hypersensitivity to light and sounds. In fact, it also causes abdominal pain and mood swings. Because of this, the treatment of it should be guided by one’s doctor or pediatrician.

After performing the relevant tests, the healthcare professionals will be able to determine the best treatment. Either way  , one can try certain natural remedies that provide temporary relief. They are safe for children and help make the condition more tolerable. Read here to learn about it!

Natural remedies for migraines in children

Migraines in children are not just headaches. This disorder is chronic and causes more severe and disabling symptoms. In certain cases, it is helpful to make natural remedies for the symptoms. Although they should not be the first choice for treatment, they can be useful. What opportunities are there?

1. Essential peppermint oil

The effectiveness of essential peppermint oil against migraines has not yet been proven. However, studies show  that its use in aromatherapy works against headaches. It also seems to have a positive effect on dealing with nausea and discomfort.

Research published in  Frontiers in Neurology  found that menthol (the primary active ingredient in peppermint) can reduce the intensity of acute migraine after two hours. In this case, we suggest using it with a base oil.


  • 10 drops of essential peppermint oil
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil (5 grams)

Course of action

  • Mix the essential peppermint oil with coconut oil. If you do not have coconut oil, you can use another oil such as almond or olive.
  • Once the oils are mixed, the  product is used to gently massage the baby’s temples, forehead and neck. Avoid getting it on the skin close to the eyes as it can be irritating.
  • If you want, you can also massage it on the chest and wrist.
  • You can use this remedy  two to three times a day  until the child gets better.
Peppermint leaves


You can use both the chamomile plant and its essential oil as natural remedies for migraines in children. Applying and ingesting it not only reduces the intensity of the headache, but  it also relieves other symptoms such as an upset stomach, anxiety and difficulty sleeping.


  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile (15 grams)
  • 250 ml of water
  • Essential chamomile oil (optional)

Course of action

  • First, add the dried chamomile to a bowl of boiling water.
  • After ten minutes,  sift the drink and give to the child.
  • You can add 10 drops of essential chamomile oil to the bowl of boiling water if you want.
  • Let the child inhale the steam so that they can enjoy the relaxing effect. The child should be monitored during this treatment to avoid burns.
  • If the symptoms persist,  you can repeat it two to three times a day.

3. Magnesium

Migraine can be a clinical manifestation of magnesium deficiency. This essential mineral plays an important role in many functions of the body including controlling glucose and nerve transmission.

Scientific evidence has established that magnesium supplements may facilitate migraine relief as it reduces its intensity. However, only professionals should suggest giving these products to children. Otherwise, it is possible to get it from foods such as:

  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Prayers.
  • Nuts and kernels.
  • Whole grains.

Cold cover

Boy in classroom takes headache due to migraine in children

Using a cold wrap will not relieve migraines in children. However, it may well help to provide temporary relief. Using cold compresses reduces irritation, lowers nerve conduction and narrows blood vessels. It is therefore appropriate for this disorder.

Course of action

  • Put a cold wrap on your child’s neck or head.
  • If you do not have a cold wrap, wrap ice cubes in a towel and apply it the same way.
  • Massage the baby’s head and neck for two to three minutes. Rest for another two minutes before repeating the process.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a day until your child gets better.

When to go to the doctor with migraines in children?

Without proper treatment, migraines can limit the lives of children. They can even lead to poor school performance. For this reason  , it is best to talk to a doctor if your child has symptoms.

Although natural remedies help temporarily, a professional should prescribe a more effective treatment. This often includes medication and adjustments in diet and habits.

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