Natural Product: 20 Things Vaseline Can Be Used For

Vaseline has many different properties: for example, it has an ability to soothe the skin after a shave, and in addition, it moisturizes and softens the skin.
Natural product: 20 things Vaseline can be used for

Vaseline is a natural extract of crude oil, which is why it is often referred to as petroleum jelly. It has a dense structure and has no color or odor. Vaseline often plays a central role in beauty products and has some surprising benefits. In this article we will give you 20 things Vaseline can be used for.

From healing to everyday household problems (imagine a creaking door hinge), Vaseline is flexible and beneficial. Below you can find 2o  uses for Vaseline that you may not know!

  • Glue for false eyelashes: Apply a little bit of Vaseline to the base of your false eyelashes to help them stick better.
  • Soft feet: Apply some Vaseline on the feet every night and cover with socks to get a healthy and radiant skin.
  • Get bigger lashes: Apply a little bit to your lashes with a cotton swab every night and over time your lashes will get longer and thicker.
  • Knees and Elbows: If you have rough or dry knees and elbows, then Vaseline can save your skin. In addition to being moisturizing, Vaseline can make the skin soft and toned.
  • Dry lips: Exfoliate your lips and apply a little bit of Vaseline daily to keep them hydrated and fresh.
  • Exfoliation: Mix a cup of sugar or sea salt with an essential oil and add it to the Vaseline – you now have an excellent exfoliant that also moisturizes.
  • Remove the cuticles: When giving yourself a manicure, try using some Vaseline to soften and remove extra skin and cuticles around the cuticle.
  • Massage:  Use Vaseline for a relaxing, hydrating and emollient massage.
  • Makeup Remover: Instead of harsh chemicals, try using a thin layer of Vaseline to remove stubborn makeup.
  • Hair removal: To treat irritated skin after shaving or waxing, you can apply a thin layer of Vaseline on the treated skin.
  • Keep your eyebrows in place:  To keep your eyebrows thick and in place, try using a little bit of Vaseline.
  • Dandruff: Apply a little and massage your scalp before washing hair. Vaseline helps stop skin release and itching.
  • Scars: To help reduce scars after surgery or injury, use Vaseline daily as it helps renew skin cells.
  • Creamy lipstick: Try mixing your lipstick with a little bit of Vaseline to make a creamy and moisturizing lipstick.
  • Itching: Apply a little on the area where you are hit by a poisonous plant or an itchy insect bite to help relieve the discomfort.
  • Tattoos: Protect your tattoo and help your skin heal by adding a little bit to the tattoo. In addition, Vaseline helps preserve the color of the tattoo.
  • Hair coloring: Add Vaseline along your hairline before coloring your hair to avoid coloring your skin.
  • Leather gloss: To help your best leather shine, whether it is shoes or purses, massage the leather with a little Vaseline.
  • Sticky bottles: Apply a little around the top of the bottle that tends to stick, for example with nail polish, it makes it easier to remove the lid next time.
  • Makeup stains: Is your foundation or eyeliner smeared on the clothes? No problem. Massage a little bit of Vaseline on the stain and rinse the stain away.
  • Eyeshadow: Do you want to experiment with new shadows? Make a creamy eyeliner by mixing powdered eye shadow with Vaseline to make your eyes shine.

So, what do you think about these uses of Vaseline?

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