Natural Ingredients For Fertilizing Plants

Natural ingredients such as nettle manure are traditional methods of feeding plants. It’s a great way to avoid the use of chemical products.
Natural ingredients for fertilizing plants

Using Natural Ingredients to Fertilize Plants Plants are one of the best things you will ever do to keep them in good condition. This is especially good if you grow some of your own food. You will not need to use harsh chemical fertilizer products ever again.

In today’s article we would like to give you a few garden tips on how to use these natural ingredients as a fertilizer for plants. It’s a great way to avoid exposure to toxic chemical products and save money.

Fertilize plants with natural ingredients

If you want to help reduce the use of toxic methods that have a bad impact on the environment, such as chemical fertilizers, keep reading.

Today we will show you how to make plant fertilizer at home using only natural ingredients that require little or no expense. You will soon notice how your crops are getting stronger and healthier.

Banana fertilizer

Bananas contain minerals that can promote the growth and development of plants

A whole banana, including its peel, is rich in potassium. This mineral is great for promoting flowering in plants. In addition, this mineral is easily absorbed by plants when you add it to the soil.

In addition, bananas also have a high content of phosphorus, so banana peels also strengthen your plants and make the photosynthesis process more efficient. As you can see, it is completely environmentally friendly.

Also read: 5 ways you can use banana peel as an herbal remedy

Here’s how you do it

  • First, cut the banana peel into cubes and place in a pan.
  • Then add water to it – just enough to cover it.
  • Then place it on the stove and cook for approx. 15 minutes.
  • Let it cool down and then strain it.
  • Dilute it with another two parts water.
  • Finally, apply it to your plants.

In addition, you can also let the banana peels dry and then pulverize them for use as a powder fertilizer.

Stinging nettle manure made with natural ingredients

A manure is a fermented biostimulating extract that increases plant growth and strength and strengthens its natural defenses. Stinging nettle manure in particular adds a lot of nutrients to crops. It contributes all the nitrogen the plants need to achieve proper growth. In addition, it is also good as a fungicide and pesticide.

Here’s how you do it

  • First, place approximately one kilogram of stinging nettle in a container. Do not include the roots.
  • Then cut it into small pieces and let it soak for a few hours in about three liters of chlorine-free water.
  • Finally, strain the water and add it to your plants.

Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are a fantastic natural fertilizer for plants

Save your used coffee after making a cup or jug. Did you know that you can use it to fertilize your plants?

In fact, used coffee grounds are an ideal natural fertilizer for plants that need acidic soil, such as blueberries.

Here’s how you do it

  • First, approx. 6 cups used coffee grounds in a bucket with at least 20 liters of water.
  • Then let it soak for two or three days.
  • Finally, place it around the roots of your plants.
  • You can also apply a small amount of coffee grounds on the roots of your plants. However, be careful not to overdo it as soil that is too acidic can be harmful to your plants

Also read: 6 benefits of cinnamon for plants


Eggshells are ideal for naturally fertilizing crops such as peppers and tomatoes. They also prevent them from rotting.

The high calcium content in eggshells is perfect for just about any fruit plant.

Course of action

  • First let the shells dry completely.
  • Then crush them to powder.
  • Finally, the powder is applied to the soil around the plants.

Wooden ash as fertilizer for plants

Wood ash is also excellent as a fertilizer for plants

The use of wood ash as a completely natural fertilizer for plants promotes the maturation of plants, especially fruit trees. It is also a good pesticide. However, it is not recommended for increasing the pH of the soil.

Also remember that you need to choose ash from untreated wood of high quality. Make sure it does not contain heavy materials, chemicals or varnishes.

Here’s how you do it

  • In this case, simply dilute the ash in your irrigation system and apply it.
  • In addition, you can also place a small layer of ash around the stems (without touching them) and bury them in the ground.

Applying some of these natural fertilizers will help you avoid the use of chemical products, which are very toxic and dangerous in many other ways. Not only that, but they are often preoccupied with the crops.

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