Makes Stretch Marks Less Visible With 4 Natural Treatments

These ingredients can be very effective in making stretch marks less visible, but you need to use them consistently to get the best results.
Make stretch marks less visible with 4 natural treatments

Stretch marks are visible marks on the skin that resemble scars that develop when the elastic fibers in the skin tissue are broken. They may have a whitish or purple color. Also, their size and number depends on the individual person, the kind of skin they have and their daily habits. Many want to make their stretch marks less visible.

They are mainly found in areas such as the buttocks and abdomen, but they can also appear on the breasts, arms and other parts of the body.

The main cause of stretch marks is the stretch that the skin undergoes during pregnancy or in case of sudden weight loss. But they are also related to hormonal imbalances and dehydration.

While you may not like how they look, fortunately they are not harmful and can be made much less visible by utilizing the properties of certain natural ingredients.

In this article, we share 4 great treatments that can help you fight this problem and improve the appearance of your skin.

Try them today!

Make stretch marks less visible with rosehip seed and coconut oil

Coconut oil is an effective remedy for stretch marks

The concentration of vitamin E, fatty acids and amino acids in this natural treatment for stretch marks helps you to make your skin very moist and speeds up the healing of the damaged fibers, minimizing the visibility of stretch marks.

Unlike purchased creams, it does not contain any harsh chemicals and can be applied to all skin types without risky side effects.


  • 6 tablespoons organic coconut oil (90 g)
  • 4 tablespoons rosehip seed oil (60 g)


  • Combine the ingredients until well blended.

How to use it

  • Apply the homemade cream on the areas affected by stretch marks and let the skin absorb it without rinsing after.
  • Repeat the application every night for good results.

Make stretch marks less visible with almond oil and lemon juice

The combination of sweet almond oil and lemon juice gives your skin large amounts of vitamins C and E, both of which are needed to optimize the production of collagen and elastin.

By using it frequently, it will support the healing processes in the damaged tissues and make the skin tighter to prevent further damage.


  • 6 tablespoons almond oil (90 g)
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice (30 ml)


  • Mix almond oil with lemon juice.

How to use it

  • Used at night. Apply stretch marks to the areas and apply it with a gentle massage motion.
  • Let it sit for 30 to 40 minutes and then rinse.
  • Used at least three times a week.

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Treatment for stretch marks with shea butter and honey

Treatment with shea butter and honey can make stretch marks less visible

By making a natural cream out of shea butter and honey, you will be able to reduce stretch marks while softening your skin.

The moisturizing compounds of the cream support the cellular regeneration processes and protect collagen and elastin against premature degradation.


  • 3 tablespoons shea butter (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)


  • Heat shea butter over a water bath. Once melted, add the honey.
  • Stir the ingredients together and when they are well mixed, let it rest until it reaches room temperature.
  • Apply before solidifying completely.

How to use it

  • Spread the cream over the stretch marks with a gentle massage.
  • Let sit for 40 minutes and remove any excess with a damp cloth.
  • Repeat every night.

Also read:

4. Treatment with olive oil and velvet flower

This treatment with olive oil and velvet flower (also known as Tagetes) provides your skin with the essential fatty acids and proteins needed for proper healing. It helps prevent visible marks caused by fiber breakage.


  • 3 tablespoons velvet flowers (30 g)
  • 10 tablespoons olive oil (160 g)


  • Put the velvet flowers in a container and cover them with olive oil.
  • Put the container in a cool place and let it soak for at least 10 days.
  • After this time the oil is said.

How to use it

  • Take as much oil as you need and apply it to areas such as your buttocks, legs and abdomen.
  • Allow the oil to penetrate without rinsing and repeat every night.

Do you have problems with stretch marks? Choose one of the above treatments for stretch marks and see how good they are at solving this problem.

That said, be consistent with using these treatments against stretch marks as their effects are not immediate.

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