Make Your Own Stretch Mark Cream With Vitamin E

It is difficult to remove stretch marks completely. However, there are a wide variety of products that nourish the skin and minimize their appearance. Today we would like to tell you about a stretch mark cream with vitamin E that you can make yourself.
Make your own stretch mark cream with vitamin E.

Today we would like to give you a recipe for a stretch mark cream with vitamin E that you can make at home. Stretch marks are irregular lines on your skin that are formed when the elastic fibers stretch too much, which happens during pregnancy. They are also the results of weight fluctuations and other hereditary factors. 

Although this condition does not adversely affect your physical health, its occurrence can lead to self-esteem issues. There are currently many topical creams and products that can minimize the appearance of stretch marks.

However, they are often very expensive. Fortunately, there are some natural products that can help you get rid of stretch marks and that are easy to use.

Make Your Own Stretch Mark Cream: Why Use It?

Vitamin E is a powerful tissue regenerator due to its antioxidant and moisturizing properties

A homemade stretch mark cream with vitamin E has many interesting benefits. First , its moisturizing compounds easily penetrate the skin layers and give the tissues greater elasticity. The healing and regenerating properties of vitamin E also give the skin a smoother appearance.

Also read: Vitamin E: Foods rich in this vitamin

This vitamin is also useful for preventing skin breakdown, which is the key to preventing the appearance of new stretch marks. When applied through massage, it reactivates blood flow and reduces inflammation, which helps to improve the appearance of the stretch marks that are on the skin layer.

Other benefits of this cream are:

  • It helps to renew collagen and elastin found in the skin.
  • This vitamin reduces the negative impact of free radicals on the dermis.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Therefore, it not only protects the elastic fibers of the skin, but also prevents breakage when the skin stretches.
  • Its gentle formula is safe to use during pregnancy.
  • It is much cheaper than “designer” treatments for stretch marks.
  • The ingredients in this cream are 100% natural and do not usually cause allergic reactions.

Homemade stretch mark cream with vitamin E.

The vitamin E in this cream is antioxidant and has regenerating properties

The direct application of vitamin E on stretch marks is enough to minimize their occurrence. However, we suggest a homemade cream that includes a more complete treatment.

This is because the cream contains other beneficial ingredients, such as coconut oil and shea butter. Both ingredients contain fatty acids, antioxidants and amino acids that contribute to skin regeneration when the skin assimilates them.

Here is the recipe:


  • 2 tablespoons shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon avocado oil (optional)


  • First of all, pour the shea butter into a glass jar that can withstand the heat and melt it over a water bath.
  • Once melted, add the coconut oil and stir over low heat.
  • Then open a capsule of vitamin E and add the contents to the mixture.
  • Keep stirring and take the mixture off the heat.
  • If necessary, add half a tablespoon of avocado oil.
  • Finally, put it in a container and wait until it hardens.
  • Store it in a cool, dry place to keep it fresh.

Also read: How to make hand cream with cocoa butter and vitamin E.

Instructions for use

  • Rub the cream on any area where you have stretch marks.
  • Massage until your skin absorbs the cream.
  • Do not rinse the cream off and repeat the use every day, preferably twice a day.
  • Note: You can double the recipe if you want. Keep in mind, however, that it will get bad after one to two months, depending on the temperatures where you live and how you store it.

Concluding remarks on stretch mark cream with vitamin E.

The application of this cream is not a miracle cure and does not give immediate results. In fact, no stretch mark cream on the market can completely remove these marks. So you need to be consistent with the use of the product to reduce their occurrence.

In addition, supplement the use of the cream with a healthy diet and physical activity. These habits are huge factors in the health of your skin as they help maintain firmness and suppleness. It even reduces the effect of stretching during pregnancy.

Add it to your daily beauty routine. As you can see, the cream is easy to make and the ingredients are not expensive!

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