Make These 3 Green Teas To Easily Lose Weight

If your goal is to lose weight in a healthy way, try one of these green tea drinks. You can see how good they are at getting the best results in a short amount of time.
Make these 3 green teas to easily lose weight

Make these 3 green teas to easily lose weight. Consumption of green tea has become one of the best supplements for those seeking stable and healthy weight. This tea is not a miracle, but it has some absolutely amazing qualities!

First of all, the high concentrations of essential nutrients in green tea combat too much fat.

It also contains anti-inflammatory compounds, cleansing and diuretic properties. When introduced into the body, they facilitate the elimination of toxins and fluids. These are factors related to the difficulty of losing weight.

In addition, green tea is rich in vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants. These improve metabolic activity to burn more calories more easily.

Below we share 3 healthy recipes that you should include in your diet.

Do not avoid trying them!

1. Green Tea, Ginger and Lemon Infusion

A cup of tea

Ginger, lemon and green tea are a beverage with cleansing properties that facilitate the removal of toxins and improve kidney function and digestion.

This natural combination of ingredients increases the energy level in the body and improves metabolic activity to help you lose weight more easily.

In addition, it is ideal for reducing constipation, bloating and excessive stomach acids.


  • 1 teaspoon green tea
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • The juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 1 cup of water


  • Pour the water into a pan and boil it
  • When it comes to a boil, add the green tea and ginger.
  • Turn the temperature down to low heat and let it stand for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Then take it off the stove and let it brew at room temperature for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Filter the infusion with a fine sieve and add lemon juice.

How it is consumed

  • Drink a cup of the infusion on an empty stomach and wait 30 minutes before eating breakfast.
  • Drink it at least 3 times a week.

2. Green tea, avocado and banana smoothie

Fruit and smoothie

With this delicious smoothie, you not only cleanse your body in a healthy way, but you also increase your physical and mental condition.

It contains high amounts of antioxidant compounds, essential fatty acids and amino acids. These substances improve your metabolism and contribute to muscle mass.

Its regular consumption fights morning fatigue, and at the same time stops the desire to eat delicious food throughout the day.


  • 1 teaspoon green tea
  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 cup water


  • Boil the water, take it off the heat and add the green tea.
  • Let it brew for 10 to 15 minutes and sift it.
  • Transfer the infusion to a blender and add the avocado, banana and almonds.
  • After obtaining a homogenized beverage without lumps, sift it immediately.

How to take it

  • Drink it 30 minutes before breakfast.
  • Repeat in the middle of the day when you are hungry.
  • Include it in your diet at least 3 times a week.

3. Green tea and mint infusion

A glass of tea and mint

You can get a low-calorie drink by combining the medicinal and slimming properties of green tea with the nutrients from mint leaves. This is ideal for improving your metabolism.

Both ingredients stand out for their contribution of anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. These help remove toxins that travel through the bloodstream.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that it is a natural digestive. This facilitates treatment of constipation and indigestion.


  • 1/2 tablespoon green tea
  • 1/2 tbsp mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 cup of water


  • Boil the water and add the mint and the green tea.
  • Leave it on the heat for at least 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Let it brew for 10 minutes and then sift it.
  • Sweeten it at the end with a tablespoon of honey.

How to take it

  • Drink this on an empty stomach, 30 to 40 minutes before breakfast.
  • Repeat daily for 2 weeks, every other day.

If your goal is to lose weight in a healthy way, try one of these green teas. You can see how good they are at getting the best results in a short amount of time.

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