Lower Your Blood Sugar With These Foods

Eating garlic can actually stabilize your blood sugar level. It also contains compounds that have similar effects of those from insulin.
Lower your blood sugar with these foods

Your blood sugar level rises when your body cannot produce enough insulin or process it properly. As a result, you may experience symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue. High blood sugar levels can also lead to diabetes. It is therefore helpful to know how to lower your blood sugar through your diet.

There are lots of different factors that can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, for example a poor diet with too high an intake of sugar and fat.

High blood sugar levels can also occur as a result of stress, as well as lack of physical activity, genes, specific diseases, and more. Fortunately,  there are a number of foods that can help lower your blood sugar.

Cinnamon can lower your blood sugar

This spice can have extremely positive results when it comes to dealing with high blood sugar. According to nutritionist Richard Anderson, just one teaspoon of cinnamon daily can help reduce blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes.

Eating cinnamon can make your cells more receptive to insulin, which helps convert blood sugar into energy.

Lower your blood sugar with fish


Fatty fish has become popular thanks to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for having good heart function, as well as the entire cardiovascular system.

Fish also increase insulin sensitivity in patients with diabetes, which helps them control their blood sugar. Among the fatty fish we recommend are salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel.

Fiber is good for the body and also for blood sugar

A study conducted by researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center  found that  people who consume between 24 to 50 grams of fiber daily can improve their blood sugar.

For some of the participants, a high-fiber diet was just as beneficial as their diabetes medication.

Fiber can be found in many different types of food. You can get your daily dose by eating 13 pieces of mixed fruits, vegetables, beans, brown rice, and whole grains.

Garlic can help lower your blood sugar

Bowl with garlic

Garlic may help improve your body’s metabolism. It contains compounds that have insulin-like effects. Garlic can help lower blood sugar in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Vegetables also lower your blood sugar

Eating more vegetables gives your body the fiber, protein and vitamins and minerals that help control your blood sugar level, without all the calories and fat from other foods. This helps prevent diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Lower your blood sugar with green tea

Studies have shown that the chronic inflammation caused by a diet high in fatty foods, as well as leading a sedentary lifestyle increases your risk of heart attack, and prevents your body’s ability to absorb blood sugar.

Green tea may be the solution as it increases your sensitivity to insulin,  and helps prevent cardiovascular problems that are so often seen in patients with diabetes.

Eat nuts for better blood sugar

Different nuts

Nuts can help reduce the risk of heart problems, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Nuts contain omega-3 and essential fatty acids that help remove glucose from the bloodstream.

Cherries also help

Cherries contain anthocyanins, which also improve insulin resistance problems, reduce blood sugar levels, and eliminate inflammation.

Inflammation prevents insulin from functioning properly. K irsebær can help optimize your insulin production and make your blood sugar lower over time.

Did you know that red wine in small amounts can lower your blood sugar?

Woman drinking red wine

Moderate consumption of red wine may help reduce blood sugar levels by preventing the absorption of glucose in the gut. It is important that you remember to drink it in moderation, and only on the advice of your doctor, as it is not suitable for everyone.

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