Lower Too High Cholesterol With Six Kinds Of Herbal Tea

In today’s article you can read six very effective medicinal herbs that reduce high cholesterol.
Lower too high cholesterol with six kinds of herbal tea

Too high cholesterol is not healthy for you. It can have negative effects on your body such as obesity. You should consume herbs every day along with a healthy diet, exercise and stress management to help reduce high cholesterol.

If you suffer from high cholesterol, you should not take it too lightly and you should do something about it. To get good cardiovascular health, you should have a balanced cholesterol level. Therefore, you can use these natural remedies to help reduce high cholesterol.

In today’s article you can read six very effective medicinal herbs that reduce high cholesterol. Plus, apart from these medicinal herbs, you should maintain a healthy diet, exercise, good habits and a good amount of positive emotions on a daily basis.

Recipes against high cholesterol

Narrowed blood vessels

Some herbal remedies can help lower cholesterol naturally without causing any side effects to your health. But at the same time, you should consider the importance of controlling your consumption of foods of animal origin and increasing your intake of vegetables.

It is also very important to reduce your consumption of trans fats. They are very common in all kinds of processed products like margarine, sauces, creams, ice cream, chips, etc.

Likewise, it is very important to consider the impact they have on the nervous system. In this sense, stress is a factor because it has a very negative impact on liver function because it can increase your cholesterol level.

Green tea can reduce high cholesterol

Green tea is an ancient beverage that has been consumed in several cultures because it has great medicinal benefits. The high antioxidant power makes it an excellent drink to prevent aging. In addition, its catechin content helps reduce your cholesterol levels (LDL).

It is recommended to take one or two cups of green tea every day.

However, it is best to do it outside of meals because it can prevent the body from absorbing iron in food. Similarly, tea contains caffeine, although there is less in black tea.

2. Artichoke leaves are nutritious and can reduce high cholesterol

Artichoke tea against high cholesterol

Artichoke is a vegetable that is very healthy and beneficial for the liver. At the same time, the infusion of the leaves is a strong flavoring that is bitter. However, it is very effective in controlling high cholesterol.

Likewise, this infusion is a good treatment to improve the whole gastrointestinal function and cleanse the body of toxins. By using this infusion you can improve your health and prevent chronic conditions.

3. Ginger

Ginger should not be omitted from a healthy diet because your health will greatly benefit from it. In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, it also facilitates digestion, prevents water retention and can help you lose weight.

  • You can use fresh or dry ginger to make an infusion or add it to all kinds of sweet and savory recipes. The result is a better taste and juiciness to any dish.
  • You can also get dehydrated or candy ginger. That way, it can be convenient for you when you want something.

4. Dandelion

Dandelion is a medicinal plant that has high detoxifying properties that are good for the liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is an ideal choice to cleanse your body and prevent any unhealthy condition.

This plant contains inositol, a component that not only reduces cholesterol but also prevents its negative effects on the arteries. You can benefit from drinking it in an infusion or even consuming it as an oil – for example in salads.

ALSO READ: Why dandelions are good for your liver

5. Saffron

Saffron against high cholesterol

Saffron is a remedy that is not very well known, but which is very effective. This plant is very popular as a food dye that gives a yellowish color. However, its infusion can also help lower your high cholesterol.

The component responsible for these healing powers is the pigment, which is called crocetin. When you take it daily, you can nourish your blood capillaries and prevent atherosclerosis.

You therefore take good care of your cardiovascular health by consuming this herb.

ALSO READ: Do Plants in the Home Make You Healthier?

6. Milk thistle

The last remedy that can reduce high cholesterol is milk thistle. This medicinal herb is one of the best treatments for the liver because in addition to facilitating the function of the liver, it also helps to regenerate it in case of cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty liver, etc.

Consumption of milk thistle by infusion or as a supplement also regulates blood triglyceride levels and reduces inflammation. It is very beneficial to take it once or twice a year for three months to purify your blood and prevent all kinds of health conditions.

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