Leeks Stuffed With Cheese And Ham

Stuffed leeks are a delicious dish that you can prepare in no time. If you want to learn how to make leeks stuffed with ham and cheese, you can read the recipe here.
Leeks stuffed with cheese and ham

Leeks stuffed with ham and cheese are a delicacy that you will not regret trying. This recipe, which you can make in a simple way, can be an excellent option as an appetizer for a gourmet dinner. In addition, it is the ideal way to vary your typical starters.

Leeks, a vegetable belonging to the onion family, are a versatile ingredient in the kitchen. Thanks to their slightly sweet taste, they can be cooked steamed or added to broth or soup.

Here we tell you how to cook these delicious leeks stuffed with ham and cheese so you can enjoy their taste to the fullest. Read on and discover the recipe along with the procedure.

Necessary materials and ingredients to make stuffed leeks

Remember that these quantities are enough for 5 people:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 deep pan
  • 8 large leeks
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 100 grams of sliced ​​ham
  • Salt and spices to taste
  • 1 ovenproof dish
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 250 grams of cream cheese or mozzarella cheese
Fresh grated cheese

Course of action

To prepare this recipe, the first thing you need to do is boil the leeks in salted water for 20 minutes or until tender. This time is approximate. Remember that they must remain whole.

While you wait for them to boil, beat an egg with a fork in a bowl for a few minutes. Then cut the mozzarella cheese into cubes and place them in the same bowl. Add mustard, salt and spices. Then cut the ham into strips and put it in the bowl as well.

Then turn on the oven at 200 degrees. While it is getting hot, the leek is emptied. First, rinse it under cold water, place on a napkin or paper towel, and allow to cool for 10 minutes.

This step is important so you can fill them without burning yourself. Next, remove the center of the leek by tapping them. It is best to hollow them out completely.

Using a spoon, fill all the leeks and place in a greased dish. If you want, before filling them, you can cut the leek into smaller pieces to make this task easier.

When done, arrange them side by side and brush it with the rest of the butter using a spoon. They are baked for 15 minutes, or until the cheese is golden brown.

What accessory goes to this recipe for leeks stuffed with ham and cheese?

Of course, you can also use these leeks stuffed with ham and cheese as part of your main course. To do this, prepare something that goes well with the taste of them.

An example might be baked or grilled meat. To do this, simply season a piece of red meat with thyme, salt and juniper berries and bake it in the oven. Do not use the same dish as for the stuffed vegetables, as the juice from the meat can cause your stuffed leeks to fall apart.

On the other hand , this recipe also goes well with sweet potatoes or baked potatoes. In this case, cut these tubers unpeeled into thin slices and cook them for 10 minutes in the oven with a little olive oil and turmeric or paprika.

Another alternative is to use white rice with vegetables, such as corn, peas and peppers. Whichever option you choose, they all go well with leeks stuffed with ham and cheese.

What aspects should be taken into account?

One aspect to keep in mind is that this recipe can be rich in calories, sodium and saturated fat. For this reason, it is not a good option for those who suffer from metabolic problems, high blood pressure or high levels of triglycerides.

In this regard, several studies point out that restriction of these nutrients is necessary to avoid further complications.

However, it is possible to customize this recipe and achieve a healthy version. To do this you can avoid the butter and use extra virgin olive oil or choose a lean cheese, e.g. low-fat ricotta.

Why is it healthy to eat leeks?

In addition to the fact that this vegetable can be used in various dishes, it is also excellent for getting nutrients. According to the Libro de la alimentación española (The Spanish Food Book), leeks are actually a source of dietary fiber and certain vitamins.

Among these, leeks contain vitamin B9 or folic acid, which contributes to the formation of blood cells. According to the book, 150 grams of leek provides 48% of the recommended intake.

At the same time, they contain vitamin C, which is partially lost with the cooking process. They are also rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

A dish of stuffed leeks with cheese and ham

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Prepare these delicious leeks stuffed with cheese and ham

Although leeks are not as common a vegetable in the kitchen as onions or garlic, they are a versatile ingredient that will give your dishes a unique flavor. And this recipe is the perfect way to take advantage of them.

Remember that if you lack time, you can boil the leeks in advance and put them in the fridge when you want to fill them. Now there is no excuse for not trying them!

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