Learn How To Make Homemade Yoghurt And Hear About All The Benefits

When you make your own yogurt at home, you can be sure that it is completely natural, without any additives or preservatives that can change its quality.
Learn how to make homemade yogurt and hear about all the benefits

Have you ever made your own yogurt at home? If the answer is no, then we can tell you that it is an easy and inexpensive process that will not take long. Natural yogurt is rich in nutrients and is very healthy for your body and even benefits your beauty. In this article you can learn how to make homemade yogurt and hear about all the benefits.

To learn how to make your own homemade yogurt, check out the following recommendations and step by step recipes so you’re ready to start tomorrow.

Making yogurt at home is very simple, it does not require any special utensils, it is quick and, with a little practice, incredibly easy.

  • Milk (depending on how much yoghurt you want to make)
  • 1 container with neutral yogurt without added sugar
  • Glass containers
  • A tablespoon to measure with
  • Something to catch the heat: newspaper, cardboard, an insulated box, a blanket or something similar

Step 1: Start by putting some milk aside, depending on how much yogurt you want to make. Never choose low-fat or low-fat milk unless, for health reasons, you want to avoid consuming milk fat.

Step 2: Sterilize the glass containers by boiling them together with the lid for 10 minutes.

Step 3: Put a spoonful of neutral yogurt in each container. For reference, use one tablespoon per 550 ml you want to make.

Step 4: Heat the milk on low heat until it reaches 85 ° C while stirring with a clean spoon so that it does not get stuck in the bottom of the pan or burn on. This should take about 10 minutes, but make sure you pay attention.

Step 5: Remove the milk from the heat and allow to cool to 45 ° C. This should take another 30 minutes or so. If it gets too cold, put it back on the heat until it is 45 ° C again.

Step 6: Pour the milk into the glass containers, try to fill them as much as possible so that there is only very little air left.

Step 7: Stir in each container so that the yogurt mixes with the milk.

Step 8: Put the lids on the containers and store them in a place where it will stay warm. You can wrap it in newsprint or put them in a box with a blanket around them. Leave them overnight in a warm place without stirring.

Step 9: Now unpack the containers and let them stand for 10 minutes before putting them in the fridge.

Step 10: Leave the yogurt in the refrigerator for four hours or until it has thickened. Ideally, you should leave them for two days.

Woman holding on to her stomach

One of the major benefits of homemade yogurt is that it does not contain any preservatives or additives and that the nutrients are not lost during commercial processing. Homemade natural yogurt can have the following benefits:

  • It is easy to digest, which is why lactose intolerant people can usually ingest it without causing problems.
  • It is ideal for fighting infections in the digestive system because it contains hundreds of millions of bacteria packed with B-complex vitamins.
  • Its substances help stabilize the intestinal flora and microorganisms in the digestive system. The bacteria convert lactose into lactic acid.
  • It is recommended for people with diarrhea or problems with constipation, as it fights the effects of harmful bacteria in the intestines (which almost always come from the food we consume).
  • It contains calcium, magnesium and phosphate, essential minerals for healthy and strong bones.
  • It can help lower cholesterol, promote the absorption of fats and alleviate the negative side effects of antibiotics.
  • It is excellent for the health of your skin because it makes it softer, promotes regeneration and contributes to better health and beauty.
  • It has an exfoliating effect, it is able to deeply cleanse your pores and remove dead skin cells.
  • Several studies have shown that regular intake of neutral yogurt, can help reduce the chance of vaginal infections, in fact, you can apply this product directly to the vaginal area to fight yeast infections.
  • Yogurt contains the same amount of potassium as a banana and the same amount of protein as an egg or 30 grams of meat.
  • Regular intake of homemade yogurt can also help strengthen your immune system.

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