Is It True That Children Reflect Their Parents?

It is important that we are consistent in our actions as parents, and in relation to our expectations of our children. They are our mirror image and we are the mirror. We should do our best to be the best mirrors they can look into.
Is it true that children reflect their parents?

You may have been concerned about the familiar phrase ‘children reflect their parents’.

After all, children are like mushrooms: they absorb everything they hear and see. Therefore, it is important that everything they are exposed to in the home contributes positively to their upbringing and behavior.

Being a parent is a big challenge, since you not only have to manage your own time, but also have to be consistent in your words and actions. Your children observe and imitate your actions all the time, even if you do not notice it.

Yes, children want to be like their parents. Therefore, it is important to set a good example for them so that you can teach them good principles and values. It may seem worrying to many that children reflect their parents.

Subconsciously, children mimic your actions, hand gestures, speech patterns, and even how you interact with other people. This is due to the simple fact that you are emotionally connected to each other.

So if children reflect their parents – how can we best deal with this?

Create a mood that promotes trust and open communication in the home

Good communication between a family

Communication is one of the most important things in the family. It creates an atmosphere of trust that supports values ​​and security in the home, and creates strong, unbreakable bonds between family members.

2. Live a healthy lifestyle

You already know that children reflect their parents. So if you want your kids to have a healthy lifestyle, this should start with your own habits. If you want your kids to exercise and eat vegetables, set a good example by showing them that it’s a good thing.

You may know the phrase ‘an example says more than a thousand words’. Apply this in your daily life. Avoid nagging and preaching about why they should do this or that – do it with them.

3. Avoid shouting

Mother shouting at her child

We know very well how difficult it is to fulfill your role as a parent. It is a real challenge to stay patient all the time. But when you are stressed or desperate, do not shout at your children or other family members.

If you do this, your children will think it’s an acceptable behavior. So when they start creating themselves in the same way, you can not say anything about it when they say, ‘but you do too’.

Encourage trust

This will not just encourage them to trust. They will also learn to take responsibility for their words.

5. Avoid violence

Unfortunately, the bad habits are often the ones children learn the fastest. Avoid using violence to discipline them.

If they do something they should not, explain to them that what they did was wrong. If you do not hit your children, they are less likely to grow up and become aggressive people. In addition, you will teach them how to resolve conflicts without using violence.

If you encourage the use of communication to solve problems, then you are educating them to become a tolerant person who has the ability to see things from different perspectives.

6. Respect and get respect again

It is important that you treat people around you well. Do not judge them. Doing this will teach your child to see the value in other people and how good relationships are created through respect.

When your children contradict you, stand firm in your role and remind them that it is not a proper way to talk to you or treat you. Raise them in the best possible way. The relationship that you build with them over time should be based on trust and respect. It is important that you build it together – as a team.

Fight for what you want

Teacher in class

Being a mother does not mean that you have to give up your hopes and ambitions. We know the road can be difficult, but it is not impossible.

Be strong every day to reach the goals you want. Not only will it be fulfilling for you as a woman, but you will also set an example of strength and dedication for your entire family.

8. Be happy

It is certain that nothing makes you happier than having your children by your side. Make sure you show them how happy they make you, by hugging and pampering them, and telling them how much you love them. Enjoy your moments together and tell them how lucky you feel because you have them.

When you give love, you get love back. Your children will give you hugs and pampering in the same style as what you give them with all your heart. Not only will you be happy, but you will all be happy together, which is even better.

9. Do not be afraid to fail

Do not cry, because children reflect their parents

You will clearly make mistakes once in a while. But this does not mean that you have failed as long as you correct your mistakes. Your children will see how brave it is that you can acknowledge your mistakes, learn from them, and get over it – and they will emulate this too.


Yes, children reflect their parents… so be their mirror so they can look at themselves and feel proud of what they see.

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