Invert Sugar: What Is It And How Is It Used?

Have you ever made invert sugar at home? In this article, we explain how to do it and how to use this common ingredient.
Invert sugar: What is it and how is it used?

One of the many sweeteners that can be found in industrial products is invert sugar. It stands out for its sweetening properties. For that reason, we will tell you what this product is and how to get the most out of it.

It is not healthy to consume too much invert sugar. Thus, it should be taken sporadically as it causes harmful increases in insulin. It is okay to include products that contain it in your diet from time to time. However, one should avoid consuming it regularly.

How to make invert sugar

To make invert sugar, one must expose ordinary sugar to a chemical reaction called  hydrolysis. This process breaks down sucrose to form a mixture of glucose and fructose.

This mechanism can occur spontaneously – for example when making jam. If you add lemon to fruit and sugar, it causes this decomposition, which produces this product. It is even possible to find it in nature – for example in maple syrup.

You can also make invert sugar at home. For this you need to convert substances into gas, which are common in baking. These substances are produced from baking soda and tartaric acid.

You will need to mix baking soda with regular sugar by heating the mixture in water until it boils. Then tartaric acid is mixed in and allowed to cool to obtain invert sugar.

Cake with ice cream contains invert sugar

The food industry uses invert sugar to enhance textures and flavors.

Use in products

Invert sugar is used in industrial products to enhance their taste. This substance also allows to vary other organoleptic characteristics such as the texture. Since it plays a role in the fermentation process, it is common to include it in baked goods along with leavening agents.

On the other hand, invert sugar is often added to products so that they do not dry out or spoil too quickly. It thus helps to extend the shelf life.

It fulfills an important function in ice. This ingredient is able to prevent the formation of large ice crystals, which improves the texture of ice and facilitates molding.

One should not consume it regularly

Despite its ability to enhance the taste of food, one must not forget that invert sugar is also a simple carbohydrate. According to research published in  Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences  , regular intake of these macronutrients is  associated with an increased risk of metabolic diseases.

In addition, eating foods rich in fructose can trigger liver disease. There is scientific evidence that intake of this substance increases the risk of developing fatty liver.

On the other hand  , sugar can produce an addiction according to experts. Experts therefore recommend not including any of its variants in the diet on a regular basis. Yes, you can eat it once in a while. You do not have to cut it completely out of your diet.

Alternatives to invert sugar

To satisfy one’s sweet tooth, it is best to resort to foods that contain a certain amount of fructose, which is also accompanied by other good quality nutrients.

We refer to fruits and one can include them in one’s diet in many different ways. It is most recommended that you eat them as they are. However, you can sometimes crush them and consume them in the form of porridge or puree. You can also mix them with other ingredients to make healthy baked goods.

In this way, you reduce the impact and stress on the pancreas associated with eating regular sugar. In addition, the body is given phytonutrients, which have antioxidant properties. It is also an excellent way to provide the body with vitamins that are essential for proper cell function.

Fruit cut into slices

A healthy way to incorporate sugar into the diet is through fructose in fruit.

Invert sugar, a powerful sweetener

As you have seen, invert sugar is an ingredient obtained from regular sugar. Its application possibilities are limited to the production of industrial products.

One of its primary characteristics is its ability to improve the taste and texture of foods. However, it has a low nutritional value as it only provides carbohydrates with high glycemic value. The intake of these nutrients can affect health in the medium and long term.

This does not mean that you can not take invert sugar occasionally. One can actually make it at home and add it to baked goods to make them taste better and improve their texture.

If you feel like sugar, howeverwe recommend prioritizing the intake of fruits  before choosing plain sugar and its derivatives.

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