How Your Mobile Phone Use Affects Your Health

While it is true that one’s cell phone can lead to health problems, just like all other devices, one can avoid these problems by using it sparingly.
How your cell phone use affects your health

It’s hard to imagine a life without a cell phone. When you sit in your car, you probably think about how people could find their way around before GPS existed. Or how people lived without instant communication.

Cell phone

You no longer need an entire shelf of encyclopedias. For  now, you have more information on your cell phone than ever before.

But their growing presence has raised concerns about what their use does to our health.

Most people’s thoughts go directly to the electromagnetic waves. After all, it seems suspicious that such a powerful device can be harmless.

It is true that radio waves are harmful to one’s body. They  penetrate the body through one’s ears and skin.

When they enter the body, the electromagnetic waves change and weaken the function of the cells. Therefore, devices that should not be held in the hand are recommended.

However, using a cell phone comes with other immediate concerns.

Find out what it is and respond to it.

Cell phones

Health problems caused by mobile phones


Notifications on one’s cell phone have one on hold all the time. There is always a new thing to check, an email to read or a call to answer.

The Internet produces such a large amount of content that there is always something that can catch one’s attention.

This creates a significant level of stress. It makes one aware of his phone in a way that until recently was unthinkable.

After all, many of us check our phones every few minutes.

Woman biting nails

That fact makes it  a good idea to turn off notifications for a few hours a day. That way, you will get used to not keeping an eye on your phone for a few hours. You will also get rid of the constant feeling of restlessness.

If you use your phone for work, you should try this. It is not good to be in the office 24 hours a day.

Pain in muscles and joints

This is not the expected answer to the question of what health issues using a cell phone can have. But it is one of the most common.

When you write or read something on your phone, you strain your back, neck and arms. You also repeat the same movement over and over again with your wrist and thumb.

As a result  , you get a pain in these areas, which turns into an injury. Sometimes even chronic injuries.

To prevent this from happening,  we recommend that you limit your use of mobile phone and at the same time increase the time you spend exercising.

Woman swimming

One of the best forms of exercise for one’s body is swimming. It is a sport that moves the whole body and uses all the major muscle groups.

It is also good because of the kind of activity that one’s muscles perform when swimming. They are stretched out and tightened up. It is thus  therapeutic and preventive at the same time.


We often make the mistake of using our phone before we go to bed or when we are already in bed. We think it helps us to relax. Like reading before going to bed.

However, the constant updates and notifications catch our attention. Then the hours go by without us thinking about it. And suddenly it’s in the middle of the night.

That is why  we recommend that you put down your device at least an hour before going to bed. And that one dedicates this time to relaxing activities or to the family.

Couple lying in bed with their mobiles

Phantom vibration syndrome

The relationship we have with our cell phone is very intimate and constant. A new syndrome has even arisen as a result of this.

Phantom vibration syndrome occurs when one always thinks that one’s device is vibrating. It makes one check his phone all the time. This  affects one’s family life and work.

Set boundaries

To that extent, your cell phone can cause health problems. But they can be avoided by using his phone reasonably.

Make an effort to stick to the limitations you set for yourself. And spend this time on activities you enjoy, whatever it is like going to the cinema, cooking, reading, dancing, etc.

Explore. There is nothing better than spending time on something you are passionate about, without having to worry about notifications.

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