How To Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attack Or Stroke

In a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a warning was given about something we should all be aware of: in general, our traditional diets are very unhealthy. If we all made a few changes to our diet, then the risk of heart attack or stroke would be reduced by a third.
How to reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke

Although that figure probably does not look that high, it is a percentage to be aware of if we consider it as one of the variables that we can actually control. If we take care of our diet and improve our lifestyle, then we can avoid a high percentage risk of heart attack or stroke, both of which take thousands of lives each year. Why not start following these tips?

Dietary advice to reduce heart attacks and strokes

While it is quite certain that many of these diseases have a genetic component, it is worth noting that we ourselves are also able to prevent them. Both heart attacks and strokes are some of the leading causes of death in both men and women. Another fact to be aware of is that this risk has increased in the last few years for women.

The incidence of stroke continues to increase and this is due not only to the general population getting older but also poor diets, stress, or even a sedentary lifestyle. Another fact that underlines how relevant the study is which was published in the magazine “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” is that we also wait until we are 50 years old to improve our lifestyle and habits.

It is at this point that heart problems, high cholesterol levels and hypertension begin to occur. But why not start taking care of your health before this time? Isn’t it better to prevent your health from getting into trouble, thereby avoiding them in the future?

It is without a doubt worth the effort to be aware of these diseases and start today to make small changes in your diet and your lifestyle, something that will make you feel better regardless of your age.

Note these methods to improve your diet.

1. Let’s forget about salt and fat

Unhealthy foods

The majority of traditional diets generally include a high content of fat and salt. The majority of traditional diets include, in general, a high content of fats and salt. It does not matter if we are in Europe or America, in the last few years we have lost all the healthy habits that once characterized us. Possibly due to our lifestyle, our work, always being busy…

We end up buying food that is already cooked in the supermarkets because we do not have time to cook homemade food. Or it is possible that your way of cooking, as you have always seen yourself at home, is very rich in red meat, fried food or other dishes with a high calorie content which will give you far more problems than benefits.

You need to change the way you eat and eliminate fat and salt. Start today.

2. Say yes thanks to red vegetables


There are a number of vegetables that are great for helping prevent heart attacks and strokes. If you want an example that should always be part of your diet? Tomatoes. It helps prevent many of these diseases thanks to the component lycopene which is also known to help reduce thrombi or blood clots. And an interesting fact is that tomato sauce has a higher content of lycopene than fresh tomatoes as this pigment is excreted much better during food preparation.

Replace white flour with whole grain flour

Rye bread

This is a primary factor in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. From today onwards, try replacing white bread with rye bread or oat bread, which also gives whole grains and is never refined. You should also eat whole grain rice and pasta as these will help reduce cholesterol, help avoid excessive sugar intake and help control your appetite.

4. Say yes to apples and strawberries

Strawberry smoothie - the risk of heart attack

How about including a green apple in your breakfast? And for lunch, you can prepare a delicious salad with spinach, strawberries and nuts. Fantastic! You should know that apples are rich in phytonutrients which are ideal for fighting heart disease and at the same time, perfect for reducing LDL, the bad cholesterol.

And what can we say about strawberries… Did you know that they are rich in potassium, phytonutrients and vitamin C? This is the perfect combination to combat the risk of a stroke. Do not hesitate when eating 6 fresh and clean strawberries, but remember not to add sugar!

5. Half a spoonful of cinnamon every day

Cinnamon sticks - the risk of heart attack

Just 15 grams and then you take care of your health, and prevent the risk of heart attack and stroke. We will now explain how cinnamon is so healthy:

  • It reduces the level of sugar in the blood.
  • It helps lower the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • It helps prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • It reduce high voltage.
  • It helps us lose weight.

6. Oily fish twice a week

According to the statistics in this study published in the  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who eat fatty fish at least twice a week avoid having a heart attack or stroke in a very high percentage. They are rich in protein, and above all, Omega-3, a very healthy oil that can help prevent blood clots from occurring. Remember to include this in your diet and thereby take really good care of your health.

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