How To Make A Granita With Passion Fruit

This summer you can surprise everyone with an original granita with passion fruit. It is a quick and easy drink with lots of flavor.
How to make a granita with passion fruit

A granita with passion fruit or one with any other fruit is one of the best ways to hydrate yourself and quench your thirst. If you make it without sugar, it is a perfect and healthy alternative to juice.

In addition, in this wonderful little fruit there are lots of nutrients that help your body function well every day. You will also take care of your well-being at the same time.

Its edible part is the pulp along with the seeds it contains. It has a gelatinous consistency and it can be either yellow, orange or purple, depending on the variety.

You can eat passion fruit fresh with a spoon. It is also great for making multiple preparations, such as juices, smoothies, sauces, jams, cakes and other desserts.

We show you a delicious recipe for granita with passion fruit below. Often it can be a little boring to drink plain water and you want to find some more tasty alternatives. Here is the perfect solution.

What are the characteristics of passion fruit?

The passion fruit belongs to the family Passifloraceae , which has more than 500 species in tropical and subtropical climates. Specifically, passion fruit is the most common variety around the world.

It is valued for its exceptional taste,  great nutritional value and health benefits. It is becoming less and less necessary to remind ourselves of the importance of introducing the recommended portions of fruits and vegetables into the diet.

In passion fruit there are carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins C and A, and the minerals potassium, manganese, phosphorus and iron. It also contains interesting components such as carotenes, flavonoids and anthocyanins.

Some of these nutrients and elements provide it with lots of antioxidants. This means that they neutralize free radicals, which are associated with the occurrence of some degenerative diseases and the aging of the body.

Other benefits

There are other excellent benefits that we can mention, such as:

  • Scientific evidence shows that polyphenols have an immunomodulatory role in the body. Therefore, they can help prevent inflammatory diseases such as obesity, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers.
  • Fiber helps keep the intestinal flora in good condition and prevents constipation. In addition, experts recommend introducing this fruit into the diet as a source of fiber. This is because it is related to a lower incidence of diabetes and obesity.
  • Once in the body, the carotenes are converted to vitamin A. This is especially important for the immune system, vision and reproduction.
Granita with passion fruit


As a general rule, eating passion fruit is safe and most people can consume it without any problems. However, we must warn you of possible nuisances.

On the one hand, it is possible to be allergic to it, especially if you are allergic to latex. Cross-reaction can be common. The most common symptoms are hives, itching and redness of the skin.

Similarly, alkaloids and cyanogens with toxic effects may be in the peel and fruit that are not ripe. Because of this, it is important to avoid green fruits.

Recipe for granita with passion fruit

It is a perfect summer refreshment, as well as a way to drink water during the day to stay hydrated.


  • 4 passion fruits
  • 2.5 dl water
  • 2 ripe and firm mangoes
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 lemon

Method for making a granita with passion fruit

  1. Rinse and peel the mangoes and cut them into pieces. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.
  2. Rinse and dry the lemon and grate the peel.
  3. Then put the two fruits in a blender. Then add the lemon zest, water and sugar. Blend for about 20 seconds until the mixture is thick and well combined.
  4. Pour it into an airtight container and freeze for 2 hours.
  5. After the time has elapsed, the mixture is blended again and refrigerated for another 5 hours.
  6. Take the granita out of the freezer about 20 minutes before serving. To serve it, crush it using a fork and put it in glass.

If you want a sugar-free version, there are other ways to sweeten this drink, e.g. with stevia. You can also try a recipe without sugar, just by using the sweetness of the ingredients.

There are other tropical fruits that combine very well with passion fruit so you can make lots of different kinds of granita. Try it with pineapple, coconut, lemon or papaya!

A papaya cut in half

Enjoy your granita with passion fruit

Before making a recipe in the kitchen, prepare all the ingredients. In this case, the main ingredients are fruit. Therefore, choosing the perfect pieces is one of the keys to getting a successful granita.

When buying them, it is best to choose the ones that are heavier as this is a sign that the pulp is in good condition. The peel should not have dents, green spots or discolorations (it is almost always green or yellow).

Fruits with wrinkled skin are ready to be eaten and it is best to do it quickly. It is best to store them in the refrigerator. If the skin is smooth, on the other hand, store it at room temperature so that it matures and is sweetened.

You can enjoy a granita with passion fruit (alone or with other fruits) at any time of the day. If you want to drink it like a regular drink, it is best to cook it without sugar.

We invite you to always have it at hand to give your guests a delicious refreshment. It goes well with a snack, or as a substitute for an alcoholic cocktail.

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