How To Get Healthy Hair With Volume

If you want healthy hair with volume, your hair must be nourished both inside and out to strengthen it and at the same time you must also think about factors that can weaken the hair.
How to get healthy hair with volume

It is normal with all the contact with your hair, products and styling tools that your hair becomes weak and lifeless over time. What is not normal is to do absolutely nothing to help your hair, in this post will talk about how to get healthy hair with volume.

How to get healthy hair with volume

1. Make your hair stronger

Woman with braid has

First of all, it is very important not to waste more time when it comes to weak, lifeless hair. There is still something you can do. It is not a solution if you just let your hair die completely, without doing anything about it.

The first thing we recommend is that once you notice your hair getting weaker, then you need to change the hair products you use. You need to look for products that are ideal for rebuilding the hair follicles as it means that your hair will grow strong from the roots.

  • Some of the most recommended “rebuilding” products are those made with arginine, a composition that is ideal for strengthening the hair.

2. Your hair needs to be nourished

When your hair gets weaker, it is not only due to external factors. It is also internal factors like genetics or hormones that over time can make your hair lose its vitality.

One way to address these internal factors is to eat a healthy diet, a diet where your body will get the nutrients needed to give your hair vitality and grow properly.

These are nutrients that you should have in your diet if you want healthy hair with volume

  • Iron and copper. Be sure to include foods in your diet such as spinach, nuts, seafood, pasta, oats, eggs, basil, avocado, strawberries, figs and sugar-free chocolate. They will make your hair look good.
  • Vitamin B. Foods like tuna, natural yogurt, potatoes, cabbage, brewer’s yeast, and turkey breast will help you prevent your hair from falling out and turning gray.
  • Zinc. Available in pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, watermelon and dark chocolate.

Other nutrients that you should think about when you want to nourish your hair. Vitamin E, dairy products rich in vitamin B5 and omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in particularly large amounts in cold-water fish.

How to get healthy hair with volume: Homemade treatments

Woman with hair that has large volume

Homemade treatments are never a bad idea if you are well-informed. The advantage is that the ingredients in these medicines are easy to find and are generally quite budget friendly. Here are some of the best homemade treatments to turn your lifeless, weak hair into radiant, high-volume hair.

1. Gelatin

Thanks to the high content of collagen, gelatin is one of the best ingredients to strengthen your hair. At the same time, it gives hair volume and thickness.


  • 2 tablespoons tasteless gelatin powder (20g)
  • 1 cup hot water (250ml)
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera (15g)
  • 4 drops of essential rosemary oil

Preparation and use

  • Add all ingredients to the hot water except the gelatin. Once dissolved, add the gelatin and then wait until the mixture has the right consistency.
  • To apply it, moisten your hair with warm water, apply the mixture and cover the hair with a bathing cap.
  • After 30 minutes, wash your hair with massaging water.
  • You can use this mixture twice a week to get more volume in your hair.

2. Mayonnaise, aloe vera and tomato hair mask

hair mask


  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera (15g)
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise (40g)
  • The insides of a tomato

Preparation and use

  • Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well with a fork until you have a good mixed mass which is a little thick.
  • To apply it, wet your hair, spread the mixture out and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with plenty of water after 20 minutes and use your regular conditioner.

Hopefully you have learned something about how to get healthy hair with volume, by reading this post. Give it a try and see what these suggestions can do for you and your hair.

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