How To Easily Remove Plaque From Teeth At Home

Plaque is a smooth and sticky membrane formed by bacteria that continues to grow until it eventually sticks to the teeth. The bacteria that form this plaque can cause cavities and gum disease if it is not removed daily by brushing and flossing. This problem causes bad breath and can lead to more serious disorders such as gingivitis and periodontitis.
How to easily remove plaque from teeth at home

Plaque uses the sugar we consume when we eat to produce acid that can cause corrosion of tooth enamel. If this is not controlled in time, tooth enamel can break down and cause cavities in the teeth, which in addition to looking bad can also cause bad breath.

Plaque is very difficult to see and since it has no color, it can be confused with other things on the tooth. However, when it has already accumulated, it is easily seen as a white thick layer of food debris between the teeth. The plaque continues to grow every day and leads to many other problems in the mouth. For this reason, you should have good daily hygiene and stop the growth of plaque by using homemade remedies.

To prevent and prevent plaque, it is very important to have good oral hygiene as it will facilitate the removal of bacteria that are to blame for this problem.

Brushing your teeth is one of the best ways to remove the bacteria that cause plaque. However , many people do not brush them properly and this reduces its effectiveness in fighting the bacteria. To begin with, you should choose a toothbrush with round and soft bristles to protect the gum tissue. Choose a toothpaste with fluoride, and possibly one that bears the ADA (American Dental Association) stamp.

When brushing, hold the toothbrush like a pencil and move it in small circles over one or two teeth at a time.

Floss to fight plaque

Many people still have not made the use of dental floss a part of their daily oral hygiene as they are not aware that it is necessary to remove as many bacteria as possible. And just like with toothbrushing, it is very important to floss properly to enjoy its benefits. Take about 45 cm. Floss (18 inches), roll each end around your fingers until you have a distance of approx. 2.5 cm. (1 inch) between them and begin to gently move the dental floss between your teeth, moving downward on the upper teeth and upward on the lower teeth.

After eating, it is very important to clean your mouth as this way you will remove most of the remaining food particles between the teeth from the mouth. For this you can use a commercial mouthwash or make your own homemade with a 50/50 mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide (with a low concentration: 0.2% – 0.8%).

If plaque has already affected your oral hygiene, these homemade remedies are a wonderful alternative to combat it.


For this remedy you need 15 grams of nutshells and a little water. Put the nutshells in the water and let it boil for about 15 minutes. Then let it stand and lower your toothbrush into the mixture. Gently brush your teeth with this remedy for about 3 minutes and repeat this treatment three times a day.

This recipe combines the properties of sunflower seeds with lime flowers to improve your oral hygiene. To make it, prepare 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds and 2 teaspoons of lime flowers in 1/2 liter of warm water. Leave on low heat for 30 minutes and then brush your teeth with the mixture after each meal.

Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful aid in fighting bacteria that cause plaque. One option is to wash your mouth with apple cider vinegar and then immediately rinse with water. Another option is to prepare a 50/50 mixture of water and apple cider vinegar, which you can use as a mouthwash.

This last remedy consists in preparing a mixture of 1 and a half tablespoons of mountain wormwood leaves with 2 tablespoons of fermented wine. Let the mixture stand for about 2 hours, then strain it and use the liquid to brush your teeth with.

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